Chapter 40

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(This song is kinda like Alice and Pips song) ----------> --------->

No Frodo or Sam. Which worried me. A LOT. Put that stress of not knowing where my friends are and then the stress of War and the Baby, I was just a bundle of stress and no fun. Gandalf had woken Pip and me up. He left Zachariah to sleep. Gandalf told us that he needed us to do something. 

"Come quickly, we must do this in the hours of morning. It is less busy." He hurried us along.

"What do you need?" Pippin  asked. 

"Since Denethor will not call for help himself, we must do it for him."

"ooh! Great idea, maybe we can tell him and then he would be...happy!" Pippin bounced around, giddy about the idea.

"Peregrin, listen to me. Do not, whatever you do, do not tell Denethor about our calling for help. it will only anger him worse." Gandalf told Pippin. 

"But Gandalf what exactly are we doing that will call for help?" I asked, as I gently and carefully tied my whip under my dress onto the pants I was wearing. 

"Come with me, both of you, I will explain." He pushed us out the door and closed it.

We exited out into a quiet and empty street. The clothes above blew slightly from the cool wind coming from the east. Which was surprising, because near the east lay Mordor.  It was dead quiet. Even the birds were not chirping. We traveled up the levels of Minas Tirith. Each level looked the same. I sometimes wondered if we were even moving up at all. But I was proved wrong when Gandalf stopped us at a tall stone wall, near an arch way. I looked up, way up. I could barely see anything, but a large bundle of sticks. 

"Gandalf, What is this?" I asked him. 

"This is the Beacon of Gondor. Each country has one. If we light this, then it will cause a chain reaction. Its a call for help."

"And..." I asked. 

Gandalf sighed, "I need one of you to light the beacon, while the other distracts the guards that guard it."  He looked at me. Pippin jumped in right away. 

"I will! I will light the beacon..." He said, but when he looked up to see how far it was, he hesitated.

"Wonderful Peregrin. Go ahead. Alisson, I presume you will be the distraction. And quite a wonderful one." He shooed away Pippin and I watched him climb up the wall. Dang. "I presumed that while you are pregnant, you would be the perfect distraction. Fake going Labor." He said simply.

"O-okay." I stuttered. I didn't know what labor really looked like, but I could try. 

"Travel up the stairs. The guards are always watching the tower. make enough Time for Peregrin to light it." He pointed into the alley way with the wooden door on the inside. Very well hidden. I opened the door and it creaked open. A cold draft blew on my face. I shivered. It was musty and damp. Also very dark. I put my hands on the wall trying to feel around. I could tell it was was a spiral stone staircase. Cause whenever I tried to go straight, I would run into the wall, so I stayed close to the wall. It was about time when I could see light and I knew that I had arrived to the top. Before I exited out on the very tall, and high platform, I thought about what I would have to do. I had to act dumb...first of all. I can fake pain. So i took a second and walked out onto the platform. It only took a second before the guards noticed a woman out on here. 

"Excuse me ma'am, no one else is allowed out here." One young man stood up to confront me.

"But...sir...I have been feeling...sick and woozy...Oh god! Crap..." I groaned and held my stomach

How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now