Chapter 38

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I woke up in a startle, feeling that something was off. Way off. I turned over to tell Pippin how I felt, but when I did, he wasn't there. That surprised me. He wasn't one to  get up and leave in the middle of the night. I sat up on my elbows and dried to peer into the darkness.

"Pippin?" I whispered loudly. "Pip.." I sat up fully now, one hand on my stomach and another on the ground.

"Pip, what are you doing?" I heard a voice ask. My ears pricked up and I tried my best to see through the dark night. 

"I just want to take a peek. It's won't hurt." Pippin's voice responded to the asker, who i was leading up to think it was Merry. 

"Don't." Yep, definitley Merry. I slid out of my sleeping bag and crawled on my hands and knees, over to where I had seen Merry go to sleep last night. I crawled until I smacked my head on something.

"Ow! Who is that?" merry asked. 

"Merry? It's Alice? What's going on? Where's Pippin?" I asked him.

"Oh Ali. Pip's gone...stupid! He wants to take a peek at the Palantir Gandalf had been keeping from all of us." Merry explained.

"Oh god...Pip! Get away from that thing!" I told him, through the darkness.

"Alice! Oh...I just want to take a small peek. It won't hurt."

"Pippin," I stated in a stern voice, "Gandalf took it and hid it from us for a reason. It came from Saruman. Don't you think it's the least bit odd? I don't think it was meant to be uncovered." I told him.

"Oh Alice, relax. I have this." I listened as there was shuffling and moving of things. I tensed up, knowing what would happen. 

"Pip..." I said in a warning tone. There was no response. I tried to calm down and just hope that nothing bad would happen to us.  There was no response. I gripped Merry's shoulder in fear.  Once Pippin had attained the Palantir he came over to us The ball was still covered. That's how it was supposed to be, but of course, Pippin uncovered the ball. We all stared at it. It was pure black. As black as the evil that lurked around every corner. I had felt this kind of evil before. "Pippin, put. It. Back." I tried to command him. BUt he didn't listen to me. 

Merry and I watched as he began to place his hands around the black orb. He seemed so interested by it. I couldn't see why. We watched with much worry...nothing happened. THe black orb stayed black.

"Hm, I thought it would have done something." Pip said. But as soon as he said that, the ball began to light up. It turned black and went straight to orange. A large fire was building up inside the thing. It emitted large orange rays of light. I could hear this sort of sizzling, crackling sound.  A dark voice came from the Palantir. 

"Pip." Merry looked at him. I looked at him myself. Pippin seemed to be frozen in pain His eyes were squinted as if there was a searing pain rushing through his body. His hands had a death grip on the Palantir. Soon, he began to shake violently and scream out in uttter pain. Merry and I panicked. We didn't know what to do. we just stared as Pippin became inflicted with pain.

"Gandalf! It's Pippin!" Merry called out. As soon as he yelled that, the whole room was awake, but Gandalf had rushed quicker to us. "He's taken the Palantir and I don't know what's wrong with him!" He screeched.  I looked as Pippin began to squeal and shake more and more. I stood up and ran over to him, wanting to help so bad. 

"Merry please take Alice away." Gandalf said sternly. I was in shock. I couldn't leave while my love of my life was being tortured. Merry came to me and tried to take me back, but I refused. Hell was breaking loose and I wanted to help stop it. 

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