Chapter 5

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The scenery in Middle Earth has always astounded me. But seeing it up close made it even better. The flowers were brighter, the grass was greener and the sun was always brighter than before. The air actually smelled non- polluted. And for that I was happy. 

"Did you have a job back in your world, Alice?" Pippin asked me.

"Not really. I mean I worked on and off jobs for babysitting." I told him. He looked at me confused.

"What's babysitting?" He asked me.

"It's when you have a baby and need to leave for something important and you hire someone who will watch the baby while you're gone." I explained. Now Merry and Sam both looked at me intently.

"Will you be needing a babysitter? Alice." Merry asked. A sly grin came across his face. I blushed. I knew what they meant. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~ALICE G. 

Sam looked at me suspiciously. I avoided eye contact with him. We walked some more before we came to steep incline. I looked down at it. It looked hard to maneuver. I guess that Pippin had seen my worry.

"Don't worry, it's perfectly safe. Just watch where you go and you'll climb out alive." Pippin said. I now began even more worried about my fate. I watched Merry and Pippin go first. They made it seem look so easy.

"Go ahead Sam. You can go first." I knew that he would want to.

"No. You can go. Ladies first." He gestured toward the incline. That comment made me remember that Sam is actually and all good person, but he just didn't like me.

"Thank you Sam." I said. I turned sideways and inched my way down the incline. All that it was made up of was sand, rocks, and loose roots. Just as dangerous as the roads back in Scotland near my house. I was almost down when the ravine just stopped and dropped off. You had to jump to get down. I was only a couple feet when I took another step and my foot got snagged on a loose branch. I lost my balance and fell forward onto the steep, sandy, weak cliff. I was looking directly up at Sam. He had been as startled as me. I could hear Merry and Pippin from below. There was a whole minute where I caught Sam's eye. I could hear my heartbeat in my head and I looked up to him and said, "Samwise Gamgee, I know you do not like me. But you are a good person. I know it." I whispered quietly. My hands were being rubbed raw by the root that I was desperately hanging on to. I knew that he wasn't going to help me, so I said my last few prayers. Below me, was a rocky end. Merry and Pippin had jumped clear of it. If I fell I would be split open my the rocks. I was letting go, when I hand grabbed me. I looked up and saw Sam trying to pull me back up. I also tried. Using my legs and trying to walk up the incline. I got up and stood up on the landing. I looked at Sam and thanked him. "Thank you Sam. I owe you one." I said. He grumbled something. I stepped back to turn around and saw that the ledge was right below me. This time I fell head first down the cliff. Sand was pushed into my mouth and my legs and arms were getting scraped up by the roots. Then there was no more. I could no longer feel the sand and grass hitting my every body part. Then came the thud that knocked the very existence out of me. 

When I woke up I was in a larger Hobbit Hole than my own. I looked around to see if I cold remember whose it was. AH!  It was Frodo's. I wonder if his meeting with Gandalf was over. I wonder if he had the ring. 

"Alice! Are you alright? I have to tell you something. You were right about the Ring and my passing down of it. Are you okay? I knew that I should have brought you with me." He said quickly. I sat up, but my legs and ribs ached horribly.

"I'm fine. Some scrapes and bumps. I'm okay. I told you. Just be careful. The Ring has very odd powers and con overtake you. All it wants to do is get back to it's real master." I chose not to tell him who the real master was. He should learn that himself.  

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