Chapter 43

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"Made toward me? That's absurd." I laughed it off.

"No. It isn't. They know off you powers to see into your dreams and speak to Sam and Frodo. They want to know of their location." Gandalf told me. I sat down...

"You mean that they would use me as a tool to find out the location of...Frodo and Sam?" I asked. 

"Yes. Just that. We need to keep you safe and out of sight..." Gandalf sighed. 

"I am still going to fight and no one is going to stop me. I know that for a fact." I told him. He should have known that I was going to be stubborn.

"As you wish. But I hope you know the risk factors going into this. You won't be safe. I know that for a fact. And you will have to watch your own back." He came closer to me and spoke, "Everyone thinks of you as their hero. Someone who cannot die. Is immortal. But you aren't. You have luck. If everyone sees something happen to their idol, their spirits will be crushed and they will know fear."  When he said that, it finally connected to me. I should be careful, much more careful. Everything I did needed to be monitered carefully. 

"I understand all of that. But Gandalf, I haven't been seeing anymore of Frodo or Sam. Whenever I got to sleep, I can't see them." I told him. His face dropped. He seemed worried and stressed. 

"You have seen nothing of them?"

"Nothing." I looked at Zachariah. He had taken a seat too and seemed worried. Gandalf turned around and his back faced us. 

"I need to leave. Stay safe." He said quietly, then opened the door and went out the house. We were left in a silence.

"Well then...I guess we are to stay in here until Faramir and his team come back. Right?" Zachairah asked me. I looked at him.

"I know that i am not staying in here. And right now, everything isn't happy go lucky. Faramir and his team might not ever make it back." I told him. He seemed a little taken back from my snappiness. I stood up and pulled up my hood over my face and left the house. 

I regretted leaving the house. As soon as I stepped out, a dark cloud had already engulfed the City of Kings. A cool breeze blew across my face. It was dead silent. I heard no sounds of children running around, no markets selling their goods. It was empty. No one was out, though I could feel eyes peering at me. I shivered and quickly left the Top of Minas Tirth. I ran all the way down to the middle level, the level of Minas Tirith that was tucked away from the usual busy streets. I had felt safe there before and I could be safe and watch the war on Osgiliath from the small nook that I had found. It was tucked away in an alley. I had to carefully climb up a stone wall and once i got high enough, I was able to crawl into a small two sided cave that outlooked the land near Osgiliath. I had gone there before just to cool off.

So I ran until I came to the familiar alley way, shrouded in clothes and blankets hanging from the opening. I pushed them aside and entered. I turned in a circle and was able to find the wall. I put my hands in the small openings and cracks and pulled up. I fit my feet into the cracks and began scaling the wall, very carefully. Climbing wasn't one of my best talents, but I could still do it. My hands were freezing cold as they touched and bare cold stone. I could hear the scrapes and the crumbling rocks and stones as my feet dug into it. I reached the cove and rolled in. It was smaller and my head kind of twisted and curved up to the ceiling for it was so small. I brought my knees up to my chest and set my chin on my knees, sighing. I looked out at the war zone. I could barely tell the two the sides from each other. The un human like creatures and Faramir's team. Odd cries would call out from the field. 

"Where is the 'human' woman?" A deep and gargly voice asked roughly from a few yards away, at least thats what I thought. 

"The human? I thought we were going to the human boy and or the hobbit sir?" Another voice, more light but still deep and scary. 

How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now