Chapter 39

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We rode for days...It felt like it was never going to end! The baby was certainly taking a toll on my body. Like Eomer had metioned, my skin was paler. I had become slightly weak with each passing day. It felt like this baby was a super baby...I did get sick a couple times. Nearly puking on Pippin, but missing. I wasn't one to complain, but really, I wasn't really up for the ride anymore. I wanted to ask each second, of we were getting closer to Minas Tirith. 

"There is is! The City of Kings!" Gandalf pointed out a large structure. It looked different than other City, or Castle I had seen. It seemed as if the the City was layered. Built into the side of a large moutain and made of marble. 

"Wow..." I gaped at the place and tried to take it all in at once.

As we rode closer, I could tell that this was much more than just a large building. It was an actual city! Narrow sidewalks and vendors. Clothes hanging from clothing lines above. It seemed like this was a place for the rich and powerful. Even the "poor" here were suited with garments that even I could not afford. Children ran back an forth inbetween teh streets, dashing through their parents vending spaces. But the only time they did stop playing their rambunctious game was when Gandalf, Pip and I enetered in with Shadowfax. It was like they had never seen outside visitors before. I stared straight ahead, for I had learned that looking to the sidewould cause me vertigo and I would vomit. 

"Make way!" Gandalf called out and we trotted up the stone spiral to reach the top of Minas Tirith, where a large dome housing structure stood. A dead, white tree stood on a small stone island, guarded by men on all sides. Grass was neatly laid out among the courtyard. 

"The White Tree! Gandalf. Gandalf!"

"Yes, the White Tree of Gondor. The tree of the king. Lord Denethor, however, is not king. He is Steward only. A caretaker of the throne." Gandalf explained the duty of Denethor to us. We dismounted Shadowfax and walked toward the dome building. But as we reached the door, Gandalf stopped us. He looked at us both. "Now listen carefully. Denethor is Boromir's father. Alice I would suspect you already know that, being so close to him. To give him the news of his beloved son's death would be most unwise. And Alice, do not mention Frodo or the Ring. Neither of you speak of Aragorn. It would better if you two were not to speak at all?" He commanded us. 


"No. Speaking." He told me. Then moved along and opened the doors.  We walked into a silent hall. Cold in many ways. Not very inviting. I would have preffered Rohan over this. Along the sides of the hallway, great stone figures were erected, names carved into the bottom. Pip and I noticed an older man hunched over something, sobbing quietly. He had long gray hair and a black fur coat. As I walked, I tripped over Pippin's feet. The man looked up at us when he heard me. 

"Hail Lord Denethor. Good sir, how--"

"Do not speak to me as if you do not know what is going on at the moment! And don't you pity me either." He spat, his words like a thick mud attatching itself to you.

"What do you speak of?" Gandalf asked. I presumed that he already knew about Boromir.

"Do not lie to me! My dear son Boromir has died. This is obvious proof! He always carries it!" Denethor held up a horn. THe same horn I had seen Boromir with at Parth Galen. 

"Yes, that is a terrible burden to carry--" Gandalf started. 

"I told you, do not pity me!" He screeched. I flinched and Pippin did what he was told not to do. 

"Your...Lord? He died protecting us! He did what he was bred to do! If It helps, I will offer my service to you!" He kneeld before Denethor. I tensed up. 

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