Chapter 45

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We were locked out. I didn't know what to do. I looked at Pippin who was laying on the ground in shock. What had just happened....? I paced back and forth. We couldn't be wasting this precious time. Faramir is going to be lit up like a dry christmas tree any time soon! 

"What are we going to do?" Pippin asked in a panic, but stared at me funny. "What's Christmas?" he asked. 

"Oh. Um...nothing. Just a holiday from the Old World. Come on, we have to do something." I stressed.

"Where's Gandalf?" Pippin asked. I stopped.


"Maybe he could help us?" Pippin suggested. It was like a light had flashed over my head. 

"Of course! That's genius! Let's go!" I helped him stand up and we were off on a wild goose chase to look for Gandalf. We ran all over the city, asking guards and even orcs where they had seen Gandalf. Everyone had a different answer. We were running all over the place. I was starting to wonder if Faramir was already burned. I kept thinking that I was smelling burning flesh. I would ask Pippin and he wouldn't. 

We traveled all over the place. I was starting to wonder if Gandalf was even in the boundaries of Minas Tirith! We found our answer when we came upon the middle level of Minas Tirith. There was a hoard of people fighting back orcs and trolls that had made their way into the kingdom. We looked all over for Gandalf and found him, fighting like usual, but he was on his steed, Shadowfax. 

"Gandalf! Gandalf!" Both of us cried out for him. He trotted in circles, looking for the source of the person calling his name. We jumped and waved our hands. Soldiers ran past us, in large groups. It was difficult for us to stand, for we were so small and they were large and covered in armour. While I was jumping up and down, waving around, a solider knocked me down to the ground. In total shock, I stumbled and fell, my hand going to my stomach in a protective way. 

"Ali." Pip looked at me and looked back up. The stomach pangs were getting worse. At the moment, I felt as if I was being clawed at from the inside of my stomach. I gasped and squeezed my eyes shut. I breathed in and out. Pip squatted down next to me. "Alice, what happened?" He asked me. 

"I got..knocked...down. Get Gandalf." I told him. I was able to sit, watching as people rushed past me, carrying weapons, not even bothering to see that I was on the ground. I put my head between my legs and tried to breathe. I was getting vertigo and felt sick.

"B-b-but." He stuttered, worried about me, like he usually does. 

"Peregrin...get Gandalf." I snarled at him. 

"Lady Allison. I have already arrived. What are you doing the ground? Come." Gandalf reached down his hand and helped me up onto Shadowfax. 

"I fell and...the baby is hurting me." I whispered to him. He nodded. 

"Gandalf....Faramir is alive and Denethor is going to burn him alive! He locked us out!!!" Pippin told me. I looked at him...and looked back up at Gandalf. I look of worry came over his face. 

"Peregrin, come with. We must find Faramir. Denethor has lost his mind." Gandalf said. Pippin nodded and also climbed up upon Shawdowfax. Gandalf lightly tapped the horse and it darted up the levels. My head nodded back and forth as the pain rushed through my torso. My stomach was twisting and my feet were tingling. I had to pee. 

"Keep your mind together Allison. Hold on." Gandalf whispered to me. I lifted my heavy head.

"I...I can't...This painful." I whispered back to him. 

"Remeber what you said. You were not going to...deliver...while the war is going on." He reminded me. Gandalf seemed that he didn't want me to give up. There was something about his attitude that regretted telling me that i Had to have the baby during thw war. 

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