Chapter 14: Hillbillies in the Dark

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We had dinner with everyone laughing and talking, Jay and Siva went to get some firewood and Nathan sent me through Twitter boot camp, he even tweeted it on his wall. Somehow he made me forget the throbbing in my shoulder and the invisible blood on my stomach until I felt like the luckiest person in the whole world.

“Why 140 words only?” I ask Nathan and he opened his mouth, thinking aloud with a loud,

“Ummmm. Ahhhh, I have no idea why,” he said laughing. “Why do you ask?”

“Curious,” I say shrugging and looked at his phone, he was on the mentions part and it was only exceeding thousands. I let my mouth drop, “That’s almost insane! You could have a city of followers!” I say and we laughed.

“Yeah I guess I could,” he said.

“You could call it Nathanville!” we both started to laugh until a silence fell. He went through some of them with me watching, not fazed at all. Someone had asked him who @MadlyArry was, he replied quickly.

'@MadlyArry is the AWESOME girl that @TheWantedMusic are spending the London Snow storm with! She’s going to be a mega superstar soon! Follow her. X.'

“You’re too kind,” I say pushing him gently and he just smiled.

“Why don’t you go on your one, on your phone?” he asked.

“I think I need to burn my phone,” I say shifting away from him. I’d only then realised how I had snuggled up to him with my head on his shoulder and my arm pressed right up close to him.

“Is it that bad?” he asked.

“I’d rather not talk about,” I say quickly, Too quickly. “I’ll go see if Siva and Jay need a hand,” I say standing and heading towards the laundry where they were stacking wood. They both looked up when I came in, but Jay’s gaze lasted longer. My heart fluttered. “You guys okay?” I ask leaning against the doorframe.

“Yeah, it’s bloody freezing out there though,” Siva said in his thick Irish accent. It was like instant coffee, but Irish. I couldn’t help that from a little kid I had always wanted to go to Ireland and that I’d always loved their accents. I looked at Jay and we smirked at each-other.

“Well you’ll both be happy to know I passed Twitter boot camp, thanks to Nath,” I say loudly and leant back out the frame so I could flash a smile at him. The lights dimmed and flickered momentarily like a ghost film. Luckily they sorted themselves out pretty quickly.

“Looks like we might be on those chocolate slabs sooner than we thought,” Jay said smirking at me. I poked my tongue out at him and gave him a soft shove.

“Well if you guys don’t need any help I’m going to…” The lights flickered again and somewhere out in the street a scream let rip, tainting the night a darker shade of black. A thick darkness held onto the air as the lights finally failed.

“Is everyone okay?!” I heard Tom shout from upstairs, Max echoed him.

“Fine!” Nathan shouted.

“Same here!” Siva shouted out for us. I felt a hand go to my side in the dark and I jumped,

“You okay Arry? You’re shaking,” Jay said just above a whisper. It only made me shake a slight more.

“Fine,” I whisper back, pressing in next to him as the hand slowly came closer around me, it was slightly unsure, but finally enveloped itself around me. In the complete darkness no one could see any more than as if they had their eyes shut and were blindfolded by a thick black stage curtain. “No one move! I’ll get Nymeria to take me to a torch,” I shout out getting a confirmation from everyone. I put a hand to the one around my waist and felt his unsteady breath against the back of my neck; slowly I pulled the fingers away. “Nymeria!” I say loudly and heard the swish of Nymeria’s tail against the heavy air. A gleam came from Nathan where he was on the couch and I crouched where Nymeria was, I put a hand on her back and said, “Can you take me to the lounge dresser?” A small bark came out and she moved forward slowly, but surely to where the dresser was. I got a nasty hit to the knee as I walked through the eerie house, clearly the coffee table.

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