Chapter 27: What if she likes Nathan more?

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We were going to tell the guys, but I got a call from Nicky the neighbour saying that something was up with the dogs. Apparently Nymeria and Bingo had been barking nonstop for hours and then maybe about an hour ago Bingo had stopped and Nymeria had settled with howling. Nicky couldn’t get in and she said that when she went to check over the fence Nymeria looked as savage as a real wolf. 

“I’ll be there in a moment,” I say thanking her and then hung up and called a cab quickly.

Jay just gave me a puzzled look. I didn’t want to tell him so I said it was work before I dashed down the stairs.

“I’ll come around soonish,” I shout from the bottom of the stairs and ran out the door and into the cab. My heart started racing faster and faster, Please let Bingo be alright. Please don’t let Ricky be waiting at the door. Please…

I threw the money at the man and told him not to worry about the change before running through to the door of my house. Somewhere I heard a camera click, probably a pap, I didn’t care at the moment. “Bingo has to be alright,” I mumble to myself and fall through the open door, slamming it closed behind me. When I saw the sight before me, I almost threw up, I almost fell to the ground in a mess of tears and fears. “No…”


I took hold of another drink and downed it just like the other, I wanted to numb my mind just for a while, just for a while I didn’t want to think.

Good old Goo Goo Dolls started to play and I swayed with its beat.

“And I don’t want the world to see me, because I don’t think they’d understand. When everything’s made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am,” I say into the bottle.

Nymeria trotted into the room and gave me a displeased look. She was a real mother sometimes. The word made me feel just as sad, just as sick as I sat in the messy house. Bingo followed her and sat at the door, a dirty sock in his mouth.

“I know, clean the house,” I say with a sigh and took another swig of the drink. God I want to be drunk right now. Bingo let out a bark and headed to my pocket. “I don’t have any treats boy,” I say giving him a pat on the back. He persisted at the pocket until he removed my phone. He sat on his haunches and gave me a look. I think I forget how smart these fellows are; I think and petted his head. “No one knows, got it. Nothing happened,” I say pointing to both of them.

They both looked away before I could look them in the eye. What does it matter, my word over there bark. I took another swig of the drink and then stood on my feet. I hit me that I never really got drunk, just emotionally destroyed.

The phone rang and I sighed bending down to pick it up. “Is that the time!” I almost laughed. It’d been a night and a day since I got home. Maybe I did get drunk? It didn’t matter, I answered it.

“Ello?” I say putting on my pommy voice and threw myself down onto the upturned bed.

“Hay, are you alright? You said you were going to come back but you didn’t,” came Jay’s concerned voice down the phone. I sighed,

“Yeah I’m really sorry Jay, I totally forgot. Something happened with Bingo and Nymeria and I had to stay for a little longer than I thought,” I say rubbing my eyes and looking at the clock on the wall just in case I had been delirious and miss read the clock on my phone. Nope, looks like you’re either still delirious or it’s actually right. I settled with being delirious. The song changed to Thirsty Merc who sung 20 Good Reasons. I tapped my foot at the empty air waiting for a reply.

“How about I come over I…”

“No!” I said a little too quickly and cursed myself. “The place is an absolute pig sty, how about I see you at yours soon,” I continue.

“Okay,” he replied cautiously. I didn’t blame him, and then I heard Hayley laughing in the background.

It hurt my head, not only was she an absolute stunner with looks, but she seemed really friendly, successful, the guys loved her to pieces. I don’t claim to be anything other than slightly threatened and jealous. Of cause she was some beautiful professional model who sung like an angel and it seemed like the other night she had her eyes on Jay. My Jay. Bullshit Arry! She was simply acknowledging the fact he was there. She’s in love with little Nath and you’re just being an overprotected, jealous girlfriend. I say to myself in my head. Here I was drinking to numb my thoughts and they were running like a wildfire.

“I’ll see you soon,” I say and the laughing got closer. I could almost hear the hint of want within it.

“Yeah okay, bye,” Jay finished sounding distracted.


I threw on a small black singlet and a pretty skirt that flowered off in odd directions, it was blue with silver swirls and patterns like leaves and vines that entwined with a tree. I tamed the wild locks of deep crimson copper and bloodshed sunset before adding a little eyeliner and a thin layer of lip gloss. I had to admit I was never the one for makeup, or the one for shoe shopping unless it was converse. The cute guy who worked at the converse store at the city mall made me develop a custom of buying Converse from a teenager’s age till now.

 Not that I went to the same shop, or saw the same guy, I’d fallen in love with the shoe. So though it may not quite work, I threw on a blue pair and my black waist coat before grabbing my shoulder bag, feeding the dogs and told them to be good before rushing out to the cab.

Siva opened the door and hugged me, “Hay are you okay?” he asked watching with careful eyes and strong hands placed on my shoulders. I nodded,

“Just tired, something wasn’t right with Bingo so I stayed up with him the night,” I say ignoring the vibrating phone in my skirt pocket. It is probably Ricky, I think feeling sick in the stomach. Siva must have caught wind of it so I placed a smile on my face and jumped up down on the ground. “Are you going to let me stay out here all night?” I say grinning in case any ice in the words came through. He laughed and opened the door; Nathan was sitting on the couch next to Hayley those he seemed in a bit of a downer. Because Hayley, His girlfriend wants My Jay, said the voice in my head though I shoved it far away down with the scarred me. Soon I’d have a collection.

“Arry’s here!” Siva said and let a hand stay on my shoulder.

We all talked for a little while, Tom settled on watching a movie with Max. Star Trek I think it was. Nathan seemed in a real downer mood and I didn’t blame him, I got a weird feeling from the too happy smiles from Hayley, the way she flicked her hair and looked in Jay’s direction. I settled with sitting next to Siva and Nathan until I Siva disappeared upstairs and Max vanished a little later on as well.

“Are you okay?” I ask Nathan when I noticed his glazed over look. He snapped out of it quickly and looked me in the eyes for a long moment before he said,

“I’m fine,” he replied glumly. I frowned,

“Come, we need to talk,” I say taking his hand and dragging him up the stairs.


She’d been watching him the whole night, I wasn’t sure if it was pure concern or the fact that Arry, my girl, might be falling for Nathan. She wasn’t the only one to be giving the looks, Hayley hadn’t left my side and it was really irritating me. Nathan must have noticed something, or the guys!... Or Arria? Was that why she was watching Nathan? Maybe she doesn’t like me anymore, what if she likes Nathan more?

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