Chapter 20: Bad Timing comes with Bad Tidings

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“Arry!” I heard someone shout and Jay let out a sigh before pulling away. I took in a shaky breath and looked up to Tom who was standing at the top of the stairs holding my phone. “You dropped your phone and someone called,” he said looking from Jay to me and me to Jay with baffled eyes and the look transferred onto his face. “So you two are…” he said motioning for us to ‘get the idea’.

“Did anyone ever tell you that you have the worst possible timing Tom?” Jay said leaning back against the wall. I smiled and walked back up the stairs to get the phone.

“Who called?” I ask.

“Well…” Tom said trailing off and he lifted his hand to the back of his neck.

“What?!” I say confused and took hold of the phone.

“Nath answered it and…” he started and stopped looking to Jay. “Well…” he started again finding it hard to find the words.

“Tom spill!” I say frustrated now. There was no number on the screen to show who had called and I felt like a little kid that had a secret kept from them.

“Ricky called,” he said quickly and he must have seen the look on my face because I stumbled back, just stopping me from falling because he reached forward and grabbed hold of my shoulders. “I didn’t want to ruin anything, and Nathan didn’t mean to say anything but he…”

“What did he say?” I ask feeling another pair of hands brace me. Jay brought me closer and Tom let go of my shoulders, his eyes apologizing with every breath he took.

“Ricky said a whole bunch of nasty stuff,” he said and I felt another stab to the gut. “And when he found out Nath was listening he told about that first night, Arry why didn’t you say something!” Tom said sounding really sympathetic and frustrated. I just pushed away some tears I didn’t know lingered on my check and failed to find words.

“What did Nathan do?” Jay asked, I could feel the tension in voice.

“Nathan got really angry, as you would know. Threw a big hissy fit in front of everyone and those friends of yours…” I groaned and put my hands in my face.

“I’m going to go home and hit my head on a hard object for an hour or until I forget and pass out,” I mumble dragging my hand over my eyes. “Can you tell them I’m sorry and I’ll just catch up with you guys when the crazy ex pisses off,” I continue looking at the ground.

“Arry…” Tom started. I cut him off with a hug,

“I’ll see you later,” I say pulling away and was stopped by Jay. He gave me a real hard look before it melted and he shook his head,

“Arry how long has this been happening?”  He said and took hold of my hand.

“Does it matter?” I snap feeling the shaking stop with his touch. “I’m sorry,” I say quickly when his eyes filled with hurt. “I’m just really…” I stopped and shook my head. “Just tired,” I say smiling.

“I can tell you’re lying,” he said and pushed a lock of hair away. I growled,

“Fine I am, but I just want to go sit in a dark corner and forget about it,” I say stepping past. “Say the guys I’m sorry I had to leave,” I say walking down the stairs again. Jay took hold of my hand that had the phone in it and stopped me again. “Jay just leave it,” I say shaking my head. He frowned and the phone rang again. Before I could pull the hand away he had it, “JAY DON’T!” I say loudly as he backed up behind Tom who had raised his hands in surrender. Jay looked down at the number for a moment before he pressed the answer button and held it to his ear. I saw the muscles in his neck tense and his hand go a shade paler.

“Ricky,” Jay said coolly but I saw the anger flaring in his eyes.

“Jay maybe you shouldn’t…” Tom started, but Jay cut him off by saying coldly,

“You leave her the fuck alone or else.” With that he hung up and gave me a stern look, “He so much as calls you or runs into you at the supermarket you tell me.” I stood rather shocked but managed a bleak nod and a muffled,

“Of cause.” He then turned to Tom,

“I’m taking Arry home; if you need me call me.” Tom was as awestruck as me, but nodded and clapped Jay over the shoulder,

“Good one mate,” he said before nodding to me and running back up the stairs.  

“Jay I don’t want to deprive you of…”

“You’re not depriving me of anything, I’m going to make sure you get home safely and bozo doesn’t call you alright?” Jay said and cupped his hand to my cheek before rubbing away the tears. I smiled and he rubbed away a stray tear with his thumb,

“Thank you Jay,” I whisper and kissed my forehead before wrapping an arm around me and headed for the back door. 

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