Chapter 44: Never Once Looking Back...

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I didn’t even get to see her one last time…


~~Maggie’s POV~~

The car was hissing and blood was making my vision blurry, a fire ran up my arm and let me tell you, it bloody hurt. Arria was unconscious with her head bleeding heavily and her small lips parted slightly.

“Fuck,” I mumbled and pull myself out of the upturned car that had been ripped from the road and slid down the snowy slope. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I say. Don’t hate me for swearing so much, it’s scientifically proven that swearing when you stub your toe helps neutralize the pain… Okay so half colliding into another car is a different story to stubbing your toe… FUCK! The baby!!!

Everything turned more urgent with my realisation.

“Arria, Arria, Arria come on girl time to wake up,” I say tapping on her face and feeling the flare of pain rip through my stomach and up my arm. I semi collapsed and gasped in pain. “Be strong,” I say to myself and undo her belt and drag her out of the car. Her legs caught hold of the glass and scarred her flesh like teeth of a leopard.

Another wave of pain made me scream out in pain, fiery red hot pain that made me shiver and shake with the chilling feeling. “I need to focus, she needs the baby,” I say and stumble to stand before grabbing onto her shoulders and pulled her up the small slope. It was frozen white and I tried not to look back, the red trail Arria left was scarring me and I felt cold tears mix in with the red warm blood. I had to focus. It’s so far though, I think stumbling over my feet and planting myself into the snow. Tears sprung into my eyes and everything felt so hard, so cold, so painful. Another surge of overwhelming pain struck me and I sobbed and let my hand drop onto my thigh where a large gash was spilling a foreign red into the snow like an infectious disease or running ink on a page.

“Tom?” I mumble and pull my phone out of my pocket. “He’ll know what to do,” I start telling myself and wipe the blood off the screen and dial in his number. “I’ll at least be able to hear him speak one last time,” I mumble and moved Arria’s head into my lap. Her head was bleeding heavily and bruising was forming on her shoulders.

“Ello!” Tom piped in. He laughed as someone said something in the background.

“Tom… You have to come!” I say feeling my voice failing slightly. My adrenaline was fading and I felt the pain more sharp and sudden, but I kept the beast down with gritted teeth.

“Maggie what’s wrong! What’s happened?” he said quickly.

“Arria and I are just outside Nottingham, there was a car crash! I think she’s lost her, she’s lost her,” I say shaking my head and looking down at my bloodied friend. Her eyes where closed in an eerie sad, yet contempt happiness. Blood had made her hair sticky and it covered her face.

“We’re on our way, where are you?”

“On the country road… on a corner…” I say through sharp painful breaths. Suddenly I started coughing violently and a handful of blood left my mouth and formed a crater in the white snow. So pure… I’d dropped the phone and felt the energy to reach for it fail me, so I sat with Arria, petting her head slowly to keep the blood from her eyes. Tears were forming in my eyes,

“If you can hear Arria… take him back…” I whisper watching the clear tear drop onto her face. I pushed away my own bloody hair and looked up and out at the surreal scenery. “You know why?” I continue and look down at her lifeless face. “Because he loves you more than the blue sky, or skittles or as much as we love the ra…” I paused to cough up some more blood. “…the rabid squirrels. He loves you Arria…” I say taking in a shaky breath.

The silence captured us for a long moment and snow began to fall silently across the land. It stayed like this until the sound of tires on the road squealed to a stop and the voices invaded.

“Maggie!” I heard the heavy Bolton accent say. I smiled as I felt arms wrap around me,

“Hello Handsome, I don’t believe I’ve actually seen you before,” I say turning to look at the devilishly handsome man I’d called about half a thousand times. He put on a weary smile, but he was concerned. I didn’t blame him.

“Maggie the medics are on their way…”

“Tom!” I say and lifted a shaky hand. He stayed silent and took it, his eyes never leaving mine. “You are going to not worry about me!” I say and he tightened his grip, “And you are going to forgive me if I cry like a soppy teen when you romantically kiss me sometime very soon, alright!” I say feeling my shaky voice take a pitch higher. He shook his head,


“Kiss me you god dam fool!” I say angrily. He leant in holding my head gently and kissed me, the most smooth and passionate kiss I’ve ever felt. Something only an angel could achieve. I pulled away and savagely coughed up a ball of blood into the snow before falling into his chest.

“Maggie I love you! You have to pull through this, they’re nearly here…”

“You do me one thing,” I butt in. Fresh hot tears had formed in my eyes. “You look after my best friend; you make sure she doesn’t get hurt! You make sure she is loved! YOU MAKE SURE!” I say feeling everything slipping.

“No, you have to do that! I can’t! I’ve barely met you, but I love you Maggie! We’re meant to be, please don’t give in, please…” he said holding my hand and cupping my face. I smiled,

“Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you I had no control over…” I whisper and feel black overtake me.

It was a cold feeling, leaving… it was as if you left somewhere too early, too early to appreciate the full meaning of everything and then suddenly the pain, the heartbreak and sadness vanished with the kiss of death.


~~Jay’s POV~~

I rushed over to Arria’s limp body; a trail of blood came from the car to her and Maggie where Tom was crying silently to her.

“Arria?” I say, my voice coming out a hoarse whisper. This was what I had feared, feared worse than anything. Hurting her by accusing her of things I knew she’d never do was horrid, this… this! I reached down and pushed away her bloodied hair and held her tightly in my arms until what seemed like seconds later paramedics took her away, stealing her from me, taking away my heart.“Wait!” I call out staggering after then and slipping on the snow.

“We’re taking her to hospital,” the woman said quickly while her other college brought out a black body bag. My heart gripped and tensed and I looked down to Tom who was staring down at Maggie. She was lying lifeless in his arms while his tears washed away the blood on her face. The man went to reach down to him, but he pushed the man away.

“NO!” he shouted angrily, “You didn’t know her! YOU DIDN’T!” he shouted and started to cry harder.

“Tom,” I say and he took one last, long, hard look at her before placing her head gently in the pink snow around him. He kissed her forehead before whispering something into her ear. He stood and left. Never once looking back.


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