Chapter 26: Neytiri

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########><>< Arria's POV ><><#######

I got out of the car and loosened the grey scarf a little around my neck. It still gave me shudders when I remembered Ricky’s hands touching me there, he still hadn’t let up with calling either, but I wasn’t going to tell Jay that. I walked to the door and knocked and ‘rattle-a-tat-tat’ and stood back, fiddling with the loose buckle on my camo shoulder bag. Tom opened the door and grinned before leaping forward and engulfing me in a bear hug. 

“Hello Tom,” I say through a last grasp of air. He grinned and let me down,

“Hello Arry,” he replied in his northern Bolton accent and Jay appeared at his side giving me one of his priceless lopsided grins. I found myself lost in his eyes again, a captive to its gaze. The other guys still didn’t know we were dating, of cause from Tom and Siva, but I think it’d be best if we’d tell them. Max was getting married soonish, Nathan had his girlfriend they all knew about, why not Jay and I? I was just about to rush forward and hug Jay when I saw a pedicured hand trail over his shoulder and the glint in Jay’s eyes vanished slightly. The hand finally gave way to a girl with long blonde hair and bright green eyes and full red lips; she looked like the child of a model and an angel. 

I gave her a toothy grin and held my hand out, “I’m Arria, you must be Nathan’s girlfriend?” I say as she shook it. God that hand is smooth! I think as our grip fell, then I realised how weird a thought that was and blushed slightly. She ether didn’t pick it up, or didn’t acknowledge it.

“Yeah, I’m Hayley. I’ve heard so much about you,” she replied and let her hand trail down to her slim hips. I turned to Jay and took in a deep breath,

“I hope it’s been good stuff,” I say letting a corner of my mouth rise higher than the other. She nodded,

“Of cause, it seems you’re quite the favourite around here,” she replied and then Tom grabbed hold of my hand and dragged in the door. I tried to grab hold of Jay’s hand as well, but it trailed past. He still had that distanced thought look in his eyes; I’d have to talk to him because something was defiantly not right.

“She’s here!” Tom shouted and I got a swarm of hugs.

“Arry!” Max said and swung me side to side; I laughed and was passed onto Siva who was grinning a wide smile of knowledge. I returned it, and then it was Nathan who grabbed hold of me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

“You won’t believe who I’m working with next guys,” I say when I stepped back with Tom and Siva at my side. Nathan was standing next to Hayley, but her eyes were on Jay. He turned his head slightly to look at her for a moment and then went back to me.

For a moment the words were choked in my throat and then she threw me a devilish smile before Nathan insisted on who it was.

 “Jessica Biel and Megan Fox!” I say getting a jaw drop from nearly every guy in the room. I laughed nervously because my mind was still distracted on Jay and Hayley. “And we’re working in Ireland so I don’t have to stay in America or be too far away!” I continued when I mustered the words from my throat.

We laughed and talked for a while and then somehow Siva got the guys to go, leaving me and Jay alone. It wasn’t without protest though. Tom wanted to stay and keep talking with me and the guys, but when he caught wind of it he wouldn’t stop grinning and winking at Jay and I.

“Think he caught the drift?” I ask wrapping my arms around his neck when we got to his room. Neytiri sat on the bed and Jay took hold of my hand, taking me closer to her. I sat on the floor and he lifted her gently,

“I don’t believe you’re acquainted,” Jay said smiling, “This is Neytiri, and Neytiri,” he said lowering his head closer to hers so he could look her in the eyes, “This is Arry.” I grinned and petted her head,

“She’s stunning,” I say and Jay laughed, “I’ve never seen as big a lizard as close in real life, ever… If that made sense,” I continued and laughed with Jay.

“Aye Neytiri? Do you like Arry?” Jay asked lifting his eyes to mine, “I like her a lot and hopefully we’ll see a lot more of her around here,” he continued. I moved my finger to scratch under her throat and my smile grew a little bigger, swelling with my heart. He placed her down and motioned for me to come sit up on the bed with him. I did so, kicking off my dirty white converse trainers and slid in next to him.

“There’s something up Jay,” I say instead of asking. I knew there was something wrong, but I couldn’t place my finger on it. I’d talked to Maggie the night after and she almost got on a plane to shoot me when she came to her conclusion. I guessed it’d be Jay’s conclusion as well. ‘Why didn’t you sleep with him! Of cause he’s going to think something’s wrong! The poor lad!’

“Nope,” he said averting his eyes down to Neytiri who was slowly crawling away from him. He almost had a desperate look in his eyes like his ship was sailing away and leaving him stranded.

“Is because of the other night? And… well… when nothing ‘happened’?” I say twisting my fingers around slightly and bit my bottom lip. He looked up like I’d caught him red handed. He watched me for a moment and instead of replying to the question he asked,

“Why don’t you ever talk about your parents?” It took me aback at first, and then I was frustrated and then saddened slightly.

“You don’t talk about yours,” I reply trying to find a new interest with my eyes.

“You don’t get on very well? Is that it?” he asked delving deeper and on the verge of a small tantrum from me.

“That would be an understatement, can we just drop it?” I say in a pissed tone. He watched for a moment and then nodded. I let a bleak smile fall on my lips and turned to look out his window.

“It sort of is,” he said after a moment. I turned to look back at him; he was slightly reddened in the face. “I don’t want to rush anything with you Arry, I just thought that… maybe,” he continued. A real smile replaced the false and I said, He’s so sweet when he’s shy.

“Look how about a deal,” he looked up from Neytiri to me. “Every date you take me on, I lose one piece of clothing when I sleep with you until I’ve got nothing on,” I say tilting my head slightly and moved closer to his lap. I couldn’t help but blush slightly, but wrapped my arms around his neck and put on a playful smile. “Deal?” I ask and kissed his lips. He placed a hand on my hip and another on my back as he continued to kiss deeper. When we pulled away we were breathing heavily.

“What about not telling anyone?” he asked with his voice husky with lust and kissed me again. I let my fingers run through his hair and then pulled away,

“You’ll just have to be twice as smart,” I say and let my hands run down to his chest. “I was also thinking,” I say quickly before he could touch my lips with his again. He paused millimetres from my face and listened, “I was also thinking about maybe telling the guys. I mean, Siva and Tom already know.”

“And Max,” Jay continued and I let out a curt laugh of bemusement,

“So it’s just Nath that doesn’t know!” Jay nodded and I shook my head before he kissed my lips again.

“When they come back?” I ask shifting so I could wrap my legs around his waist. He nodded and brought me closer to his chest, kissing me until I felt light headed from the lack of air.

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