Chapter 47: We're Dating.... Right?

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                       8*~~~*Arria’s POV*~~~*8

I was watching the news. They said I shouldn’t, but then why would they leave a television in my room? They kept on talking about the girl, Arria Destry… she sounded so familiar and in some way I wished I was her. She was loved, truly and completely loved by that man who was here before. I just wished for some reason that I was that person, if just for his sake.

They kept talking about the two people dead as well. Ricky Moremont and a Margret Jones. They made it seem on purpose, like the crash was intended.

“Who would do such a thing?” I whisper to myself. I felt different, vacant.

“You shouldn’t be watching that,” a man said from the door. My gaze snapped to his and I turned the tv off quickly.

“Sorry,” I say and put the remote down just to avoid his deep blue eyes. They were so magical, so intense and full of emotion.

He walked over and sat down next to me.

“It seems we haven’t introduced ourselves yet,” he said. It came out sounding hurt. “I’m Jay McGuiness,” he said holding out his hand for me to shake. I reached over and took hold of it, the grip warm and comforting.

“Felicity Grey,” I say shaking it. He nodded and bit his bottom lip. I smiled, “Tell me about this Arria. Everyone is talking about her and I feel alien to the information. I feel something, but it’s vacant…”

“She’s…” he paused. “She’s adventurous and caring… extremely talented,” he said smiling to himself. “She always used to see the best in people and never liked much of a fuss about her… She had this really quirky thing she did,” he said lifting his head and tilting it slightly, his eyes looking out the window as if she stood there watching him. “When I went to kiss her for the first time… she just blurted out this, beautiful few words, something that she should have written down and published… she was beautiful…”

“You really loved her didn’t you?” I say and he broke his trance to look at me. After a long moment he bowed his head,

“Yeah I do,” he said with a sigh.

“She was me… Wasn’t she?” I ask watching as he looked up, a flare of hope spilling over his composure.

“She is.”

I nodded and looked down at my hands.

“I’m sorry,” I say shaking my head and feeling a tear come in my eye. I jumped when I felt his hand touch my thigh; I pulled away and shook my head. “Please go,” I say feeling scared with his approach.


“I’m NOT Arria! Please Go!” I say strongly, but feeling anything but.

“I’m sorry,” he replied standing. I dared a quick flickering of my gaze towards him to see tears in his watery blue eyes… Because he loves you more than the blue sky… I heard a voice say in my head. I pushed away from him gaze and turned to look at the blank white wall.

A horrible sound of metal scrapping against concrete filled my ears. “No…” I mutter and put my hands on my ears to block the sound. Someone was shouting and Dillon put his arms around me.

“Just close your eyes,” he whispered as the hissing continued. Something hot red and sticky was coming down my forehead and mum was staring at me…

“Mum?” I whisper feeling tears build up…


“Why do I have to live with him?” I say to the doctor. Jay was standing outside in the waiting room and now that they had given me leave I had to stay with him. He hadn’t come back since that one talk and I wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

“I’m afraid you have to Arria,”

“I’m not her,” I say stubbornly and walk through the door. A man stood next to him, he was familiar… very, very familiar… if I had a name to put to his face…

“Tom?” I ask frowning. His face lit up.

“Arria!” he said sounding really happy. He rushed forward and picked me up, flinging me around. With every rotation a memory flashed back until I started laughing.

“Tom Parker! I know you… how could I forget!” I say and leapt up to his lips. After a brief moment he pulled away and I gave him a confused look.

“What was that?” he asked. I blushed,

“We’re dating… right?”


_-- DUM DUM DUNNNNN!!!! *Cue Dramatic music* My Volleyball team won!!! Whoop! But I have about two tones worth of homework to finish, so this is a quicky :)

Thanks for all the wonderful support, even if it is just simply reading this far. __--

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