Chapter 43: One Last Time...

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Authors Note:

                            Hello everyone! Sorry to say this is a short chapter.... :) Thanks for everyone voting!!!!! Seriously it's amazing that the story is going so far.

Love all of you,

Madi :P


The night on Christmas day, the last time we’d be here before going back to London, I had a dream.

I was standing high on a building… It was a cold night in a busy city… here I stood, questioning my existence. Why I lived when so many passed. Was I just a face in amongst the millions and billions of others? Jay was there as well, he was standing behind me and then his hands slipped around my waist before pressing his nose in close to my left ear. I turned and smiled at him and he touched my face. He said something, but it was silence… how I longed for his words. His blue eyes melting into tears and he shook his head his movements more ragged.

“Jay I can’t hear you!” I say to him, he paused for a moment before moving forward to touch my face, but he floated through with his haunting feeling. He pulled away still crying and moved to touch my rounded belly and I felt a swelling in my chest.

“It’s ours… It’s yours,” I say tearful and go to touch his face, slipping and falling forward into nothing but a black abyss.


“Arria!” Maggie said loudly into my ear and I woke up crying.

“What?” I reply and pushed my tears away angrily and looked out to the passing countryside. It was coated in a thick white blanket. The sky was an infectious black bruising and threatened to spill on the cold road like a piñata. I pulled my blanket closer to my chest and looked to her; she had her eyes focused on the road.

“You were talking about Jay in your sleep,” she said shaking her head, “Again!” she added when I went to speak.

“No Maggie, I’m not going back to him. My heart hurts and when I get back to London I’m going to tell him about the baby, I don’t care whether he wants it or not, I’m going to be loud and proud about it,” I reply lifting my chin. “And I’m not going back.”

“You do what you think is right, but always know I’ma be right here… more or less, metaphorically speaking; and I’ma stick by your side. We don’t need NO guy to tell you what’s right,” she said turning to grin at me. I smiled and laughed at her.

“I love you Maggie,” I say and she shrugged it off.

“I know you do, now… New York?” she said. I laughed,

“You’re coming with me,” I say grinning.

“Well of cause!!!” she said and I smiled, looking out to the sweeping countryside. We’d taken the longer, but more scenic route this time and Shia had stayed with his family. We’d been on the road for maybe for five to ten minutes and hit the countryside.

I turned back to her and everything hit so hard and suddenly it felt like my wound had reopened and left me bleeding.

 I didn’t even get to see her one last time…


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