Chapter 25: Nathan's Girlfriend

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**********~Jay's POV~************

I seriously thought something was going to happen last night. I didn’t want to rush anything with Arry, but when I surprised her at the airport and when she had her hands clasped onto my shirt and my fingers ran through her hair… I guess it wouldn’t have been right with Bingo in the room.

“What’s wrong?” asked Siva catching my downer mood. I sighed,

“Is it that obvious?” I say leaning my elbows against my knees. He smiled and nodded. Great, even Siva’s noticed.

“Is it about Aria and the rumours?” Siva asked watching carefully. I frowned, What rumours? But I shook my head,

“No… It’s, it’s just…”

“What?” asked Max throwing himself into the couch next to me. Siva smirked next to me and said,

“Girl problems.” Max laughed and I groaned, throwing my head into my hands more so.

“Thanks Siv,” I say glaring at Max when he laughed and threw a pillow at my head.

“Well if you want my advice I’d say know her better, get to know her family or something,” Max said standing and threw me the van keys.

“Family man Max,” Siva said as I caught the keys, their chime ringing through my over processing mind. Great and now Max knows, even worse does he know that it’s Arry?

“It worked with Michelle,” Max said and pointed to the keys, “Go get her.”

“She’s working,” I say throwing the keys back at Max.

A laugh came from upstairs where Nathan and his girlfriend were. Hayley Mallet. She was nice enough, but close hitting on fake and phoney. Nathan was the only reason any of the guys didn’t say anything bad about her or was it just me who noticed?

He seemed really happy and I personally didn’t want him falling for Arry again. Selfish I know, but I wasn’t sure what I was feeling with Arry. It was like an overpowering feeling, something that made me lie awake at night and smile about. Like just before I went to kiss her and she blurted out something that should have been written on paper and sold in books, how she saw the best in the worst and kept her head high.

“Where?” Siva asked. She was always busy, working at this place or the next. ‘It’s only for a another two months and then I’m free,’ she’d said one day.

“She has to meet up with some of the people for the next movie she’s doing,” I say shifting in my seat when Siva and Max threw me a look. Oh great, now Max defiantly knows.

The laugh trailed down again, high pitched and highly unnerving, it was almost like a cross between a witch and a cackle. They’re the same things! God I need some air, I think wishing they’d cut it with the looks. “What!”

“Who’s the guy this time?” Max asked and I knew where they were going with this. Her and Shia had all these rumours hanging around them like flies to a corpse. In my gut I felt really jealous, but I knew it wasn’t entirely fair that I hold her back from the world, I didn’t want to, but I didn’t want to have her kissing other guys at the same time. When the gossip mags claimed that what the two had off screen was a real connection it didn’t help.

 I shook my head, “It’s not like that,” I say in defence.

“Well she doesn’t want to…”

“Max!” said Hayley cutting off the words. Across her face spilled a flirty smile and a few steps behind Nathan grabbed her around the waist and kissed the side of her neck.

“Who died,” Nathan said walking over to the couch. Suddenly my phone started ringing and I excused myself quickly, throwing Siva and Max a look. Siva wouldn’t say anything, he hadn’t yet and I trusted him more so than Max.

“Hello,” I say glumly down the phone.

“Hay! It’s me, Arry,” came her voice down the phone. I grinned; of cause I know it’s you. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?” she said instantly, the hyper in her voice dying down to concern. How does she always know?

“Nothing, I’m fine. What about you?” I reply quickly. Maybe not quick enough.

“I’m good, it was sort of awkward at first, but it looks like this film is going to be really fun,” she said still sounding suspicious, but left it at that.

“Yeah? Who are you filming with this time?” I ask walking past Hayley who grinned at me, her eyes sparking fireworks within their cool depth. I tried to ignore it and headed to the kitchen away from the guys and her. I wasn’t sure I was all too sure about her, if that made any sense.

“I’m working with Jessica Biel and Megan Fox!” she said sounding really excited. “It’s going to be amazing and the script is really, really good as well,” she continued. I smiled, Take that guys! She’s not off with some hot shot male model anymore!

“The guys are going to want to meet them, especially Nathan,” I joked catching site of Laura’s blonde hair and her arm touching the cupboard. I shifted slightly,

“Christmas stockings?” she said laughing, I laughed as well. She had that way with me, and it made me smile that she’d been doing research.

“Yeah,” I replied. There was a silence for a moment and then she said,

“When can we meet up? I… I’m… I really can’t wait to see you again,” she said struggling to find words to fit or replace. Why couldn’t she just say I’m really missing you Jay?

“How about now at our place?” I say watching as Laura’s hand trailed down the cupboard and she spied around the corner, grinning one of ‘those’ smiles. It made me sick in the gut, So she really is just another fake. Poor Nath.

“Yeah that’d be great, I’ll be there in a moment!” she said and then we hung up, leaving me with Hayley. Have mercy.

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