Chapter 29: I Have To Tell Her

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***~/ Arria's POV /~***

I’d forgotten, and now it just added to the headache I had. To add to the cliché the phone rang. Tom turned to me, he looked angry and frustrated.

“What happened Arria,” he said sternly.

“Nymeria got bored and Bi…”

“What REALLY happened!” he said cutting me off. I groaned and sat down on the couch amongst the upturned drawers. He stormed over to the phone, but it ended before he got there. Instead I heard him throw a punch at the wall, there’s probably a hole there now, I think when the grunt gave way to a crumble. “Why didn’t you say anything Arria! If some is breaking into your house and harassing you on the phone you have no right to keep it to yourself!” he said coming to stand in front of me. I stood and store him in the eye.

“I have EVERY right to keep this to myself Tom! My life, MY screw up, I DEAL WITH IT! No one has to suffer with me!” I shouted at him and folded my arms.

“Arria that’s what friends are for! To tell stuff to!” he said sounding almost hurt.

“If I told you my life story you’d be in such a downer! You would think of me differently. I made this choice and it’s come out with a lot of good,” I reply still in a huff.

“Bad obviously has come from it as well! Arria he’s dangerous and you’re not staying here by yourself,” Tom said leaving no room for argument in his tone. I didn’t care, there was no way I was going to jump ship.

“What about Bingo and Nymeria?” I say and suddenly felt my gut drop.

“They can stay with us asw…”

“Nymeria! Bingo!” I shout out, running past him and up the stairs.

“Wha...” he called out, but it all went black. He’d… he’d…



I hadn’t moved from the spot, never blinking, never lifting my eyelids. It didn’t matter that all I saw behind them was blood, on my hands. I never should have left… it might have been me, but at least it wasn’t an innocent. Bingo. I felt the tears building up behind my eyes, it wouldn’t matter, I wasn’t going to open my eyes. You have to wake up sometime Arianna, a voice in my head said. A knock came at the door and I turned away.

“You need to eat Arria,” said Max from the doorway. They’d not let me go back to the house, I’d even dropped my phone here and they got another call from Ricky. It seems like he’d be doing a bit of time, paying up something. It didn’t matter; he’d taken Bingo from me and Nymeria. Bingo had always been my best friend, the only one I trusted to tell all my secrets, wants, loves and hates.

Nymeria replied for me with a low growl. I simply pushed my head in closer to her fur and felt tears slip out the corners of my eyes. He closed the door and left.

..Jay’s POV...

“She’s not eating anything, she doesn’t care that the RSPCA want to press serious charges against him as well the charges of Invasion of privacy, breaking and entering, harassment, assault and death threats that he’s getting charged from her!” Max said coming fresh from her room. I still hadn’t mustered up the strength to talk to her, I felt dirty and I felt like I had betrayed her. Tom hated Nathan, but not nearly as much as he hated me. He’d run out after her, he’d been the one there when she collapsed. I should have been there; it should have been me and her, not Tom.

“She doesn’t open the curtains, let alone her eyes,” Siva added. He’d been the one who found her phone through the haze of shouting and screaming, the backlash from when Nathan found out seconds later. He’d been pissed at Hayley, but it seemed he didn’t really give a toss about us. He was furious with me hurting Arria. He loves her.

Siva had answered the phone when it started to vibrate and scream at him angrily. Ricky was on the other line, it made me mad. I felt so useless and nothing but the elephant in the room.

Tom shifted his hands angrily to his head and let out a huff. “We’ve really screwed it up for her!” he said angrily and stood heading for the kitchen. I looked up and caught Nathan’s eyes. He glared at me before looking back to the T.V.

“Great,” mumbled Siva when Arria came over the gossip headlines.

“Can’t people just leave her alone?! I mean what did she ever do!!” Tom said angrily pacing up and down the hallway.

“They’re not the only ones asking questions, the fans want to know as well,” Nathan said looking down at his phone in his hands. “Everyone wants to know what happened,” he continued more to himself.

“I need to talk to her,” I say. I couldn’t stand it anymore. It still hurt me, still hurt like nothing had ever done before and it hurt because I was the one who inflicted the pain on her.

Tom stood in my way and shook his head, “Not now Jay,” he said his mood slightly dampened, but he still had the tantrum in his growl.

“I need to talk to her,” I insisted.

“What do you need to tell her?” came a fragile voice from the dark corridor. I looked up to see the small, scarred and saddened face of Arria watching with her big brown eyes. They were red and raw from crying and her hair was torn in messy curls that sprayed across her face and shoulders. A hand went to the large wolf like beast beside her.

“What do you need to tell her,” she insisted when the room was still silenced. I took a deep breath.

“I need to tell her I’m sorry, I need to tell her that I never meant any harm, that all I wanted was her. All I ever wanted was to hold her, and keep her close, to Love her. I need to tell her that I love her,” I say feeling my heart rip with every word. She let the tears glide down her cheeks and made no move to push them away. She nodded and turned to walk down the dark hall, not looking up from her feet. Nymeria stayed at the corridor as if to warn anyone who thought about following her. I could barely register; I just had to talk to her.

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