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Getting Drunk wasn't the idea. Ending up in a one night stand wasn't on my to-do list at the age of 17. Getting pregnant by one of the original vampires wasn't my plan either; and it was a problem because I'm a werewolf, vampires & werewolf aren't supposed to even get along, let alone end up in bed together.

When I stared the pregnancy test in my hand; as it read positive. I realized, I was screwed. Not only was I carrying the child of an original, I just started a war with werewolves & vampires. None of the matters right now, all that matters is finding Klaus.

The only thing I wish my child to be is safe. I don't want him/her to go up like I did. I was abandoned at birth, eventually when my adopted parents found out my secret about being a werewolf they kick me out. I was only half of my life. I don't want that to be the story of my kids life.

Now, present time; I was now in the tomb, held against my will. Yes; you can suspect that I was kidnapped, by witches. I never trust a witch a day in my life; and I never will. They're lairs, they all & act like there innocent when they aren't.

As I heard footsteps approach the room; as the door open, I stood up leaning against the wall. A man in a suit walked into the room; "who is this?", the man asked one of the witches who brought me in here.

"That's the girl", the witch said.
"Let me go!", I shout in anger.
"We're not gonna hurt you", the man said approaching me.

"Promise?", I asked.
"I promise I won't hurt you; my job is to protect you", he said.

"Give us a moment please", the man told the lady who then closed the door. As the man sat down in the chair in front of me. "Is it true?", he asked.

"Is what true? Who the hell are you?", I asked him confused.
"I'm sorry; I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Elijah Mikaelson; first of the original vampires. You may know my brother, Klaus", he said.

"Oh", I said.
"Why do you seem so disappointed?", he asked.
"Anytime Klaus is involved with anything, someone else is dead", I said.

"The child. Is it his?", he asked.
"Well; since being he's the only one I slept with; he took my virginity", I said.

"How old are you?", he asked me.
"I'm 17", I said crossing my arms.

"Out of all people you chose to give your virginity too; why my brother?", he asked.
"I was drunk", I said.
"What is your name?", he asked.
"Hayley Marshall", I said.
As he was about to answer when a voice began to shout.

"Where is she?", angered voice of klaus yelled walking down the hallway.
As Elijah stood up in front of me; as klaus opened the door.

"this is her?", Klaus asked the witch, the witch nod.
"NilKlaus; she is carrying your child", Elijah said.

As Klaus stared at my stomach; "liars! All of you are lying!!", Klaus snapped angrily at everyone.

"Why would I lie about this? Being pregnant by a 900 year old vampire wasn't on my to-do list", I said.

"Klaus; listen", Elijah told Klaus.
As Klaus stared at my stomach; listening to my stomach.

He breathed in deeply; "it can't be. It's not possible", he said.
"It is.. Klaus she's holding your unborn child", Elijah said.

As Klaus speechlessly walked out the room passing me; as Elijah walked towards me, "I'll be back. If any of you touches the girl, I'll kill you", Elijah harshly said walking out the room.

"Finally, I've been in here for 3 hours, I'm hungry and I'm tired", I complained as Klaus & Elijah walked into the room.

"Uhh. Now, I remember you.... you the drunk girl who didn't know how to handle her liquor", Klaus smirked.
"And your the psycho control freak who kills whoever, whenever he wants", I smirked.

"Anyways; my brother & I came to agreement, we will be taking Hayley in our protection; if the witches can do there part of the deal by keeping Marcel away from Klaus's Hybrids", Elijah says.

"That's going to a problem, you see Marcel does what he wants, when he wants because he rules New Orleans. He's the the one who got rid of all the werewolves & stopped the witches from using they're power", Sophia said.

"How dare you? I'm the ruler of New Orleans! I'm the king; not Marcel & his stupid clans of vampires. I made him!", Klaus yelled.

"that was 90 years ago Klaus, you & I both know when you fled this town with your brother & sister, all the loyalty & respect people had for you, left with you", Sophia said smirking.

As Klaus slammed Sophia against the wall; choking her. As the witches leaped forward; "no", Sophia told him.

As suddenly, I began coughing I couldn't breathe, it was like some was choking me.
"Klaus", Elijah said as he noticed I was coughing.

As Sophia started laughing, "it's funny your life in the hands of a mad man?", Klaus asked.

"I'm laughing because not only will you be taking my life; but you will also be killing the mother of your unborn child", Sophia said as Klaus turned around looking at me as I couldn't breathe.

He immediately let her go; I inhaled deeply catching my breath. "What did you do to her?", Elijah asked.

"To assure you keep your promise in your part of the deal, I linked Hayley to me, so anything happens to me; it'll happen to her", Sophia smirked.

"Do you not trust me?", Klaus asked.
"Your an original. Now, tell me why would I trust an original?", she asked him.

"Do no-- Elijah cut Klaus off "enough; brother!", Elijah yelled at Klaus.
"We came here to get Hayley; and that was all", Elijah continued.

"My apologizes for the long wait; but you no longer have to be held against your will here. My brother & I will protect you", Elijah said.

"I don't need protection, I am take care of myself", I disagreed. As I walked towards the door, Klaus stood in front of m blocking my way.

"You see that right there... that's gonna have to stop if you gonna be staying with us", Klaus said.

"Staying with you? Never. I'm going home", I said.
"I knew you would say that", Klaus said as he then ejected a needle into my neck.

"What the hell?", Sophia asked pinching her neck, as she felt what I felt. As I suddenly felt dizzy; my vision became blurry, as I suddenly fell into Klaus as he caught me; as he tossed me over his shoulders.
As I then fell asleep.

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