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Hayley's POV

As I was getting dress; my door opened. I quickly turned half dressed with jeans & my bra on; looking at Elijah.

"I apologize... I though-- I cut him off as it was quite embarrassing for him.
"It's okay", I said.

"I was just leaving anyway", I said placing on my shirt with a leather jacket.

"Leaving? Where you going?", he asked.
"I'm going to the bayou. I need to talk to Jackson; I mean it is basically my fault half of his people were killed", I said walking towards the door.

"Oh okay... I'll come with you", he said.
"No", I said.
"I mean.. thanks but no thanks. I'll be back before the sun sets", I told him leaving the room.

I got out the car walking to the bayou; as I saw Jackson; I quickly walked towards him. As he was playing with the kids; he told them to give us a moment.

"hey.. um Jack? Can we talk?", I asked him.
"Hayley? W-what are you doing here?", he asked.

"I wanted to apologize. The last time I was here you're people got hurt because of me, and I'm really sorry", I said.

As he basically ignored me giving me a hug, "it's been 4 months where in the hell have you been? I sent my people out each night to look for you but we couldn't find you", he said.

"I know. I was everywhere. I was hurt, I needed to find myself. I'm glad I did.", I said.

"I'm sorry about what happened to your daughter, you didn't deserve that. Neither did klaus or his family", he said.

"Thank you", I said.
"You hungry? My grams co-- I cut him off, "no. I just came to see you, and see if you were okay. I really have to go now. But I'll see you around", I said.

"Absolutely", he said.
As I began to turn around, "uh.. there's this event. Ball Grown Dance at the hall downtown, tomorrow at 7. Marcel, and the witches are going, so the wolves are attending the party too. I was wondering if you wanted to come?", he said.

I looked down, smiling. "Klaus, and whomever you'd like to bring can come if you want", he said.
"Sure. I'd love too", I said.

I walked into the house, tossing my keys on the front door stand as I was Elijah, and Klaus we're eating dinner.

"Hayley? Would you like to join us?", Klaus asked taking a sip of his wine.
"Uh.. not really. I think I'd just want to go upstairs & sleep. I had a pretty long day", I said as I knew If I sat down with them, I'd have to a normal conversation.

"Hayley", Elijah said.
As I took a deep breath, making my way to dining room as I sat at the table, I began to play with my food.

As they began talking, I faded out there conversation. This was pointless. Useless.

They both sat in silence.
I stood up. "Tomorrow night is Ball Gown Dress Dance Mask or what it's called. It's at 7. The event is began held downtown at the hall. Everyone including the witches, vamps, and wolves are gonna be there", I said.

"And your point?", klaus asked.
"I'm going. Whether it's with the father of my child, or the father of my child's brother, or by myself. The choice is all yours. Now, if you don't mind I have a comfortable bed just calling my name. So goodnight", I said.

- the next day -

"so you do know this will probably end up being one of the worst nights of history, right?", I told Elijah & klaus as he sat in the living room.

"And why might that be?", Elijah asked.
"You guys are the originals, the most feared vampires in the world. Two, Klaus & I are the only two hybrids of mikealson blood. Which either means two things, people will try to test our judgment or our ability to kill again after losing hope", I said.

"And your point?", klaus asked.
"My point is I know how both of you guys are. You guys have a very short temper, and when your angry your out of control. So please just for tonight can we have fun", I said.

"Fun? Never heard of that word before", klaus said.
"My brother & I can't make promises we can't keep", Elijah said.

"You guys are already hated by most people why make things worst", I said.
"Because that's the best part, walk into a room & everyone know who you are, and what your capable of, so they wouldn't dare to test you", Klaus said.

"I can assure you, that I will try to manage my temper tonight", Elijah said.
"Can't say the same for me", klaus said smirking.

"Whatever. I'm just concerned about who my is", I said. As klaus eyed Elijah, who had a smirk on his face.

"And before either of you guys ask, Jackson already asked. I haven't gave him an answer yet but still", I said.

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