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Hayley's POV

I was broken. Broken as in. I didn't know if I still had any fight left in me. Everyone I ever cared about or loved always ends up leaving me.

I wiped my tears as I heard footsteps approach the porch, as I sat outside.
"Hey, I just finished putting hope asleep", Freya said.

"Thanks", I said turning in the other direction so she wouldn't know I was crying.
As she sat down, "what's wrong? Why are you crying?", she asked.

As I turned to her, "I killed them. All of people including Jackson is gone. And I don't know whether I should hate myself or hate Klaus's. Because the truth it's my fault. All of this.", I said.

"Don't. Don't beat yourself up. If you want to leave you go with some fucking pride. Don't sit here and cry like a pussy, if you want something you take it", she told me.

"What?", I asked.

"Your no longer this little teenager my brothers & Rebekah and I have to watch over, your a hybrid of 3. You've grown not only as a women but also as a mother. You love that baby don't you? And are willing to do anything for her? Right?", she asked.

I turned to her, and nod.
"Then do what's best for her. If you leave New Orleans do it because it's what's best for your daughter, not to punish klaus. I am tired of everyone looking at you as a little girl whose scared. You've made it threw hell to get here, and only gets worst from here. So sick up. And be the mother your child needs", she told me as she was right.

I needed to focus on what's the important matter. Which is hope. If I leave I'm taking Klaus away from Hope, and Hope away from her father. He may deserve that, but hope doesn't.

"I think you have a decision to make", she said as she got up out the chair and walked inside.


I sighed before walking into Klaus's bedroom, "d-do you have a minute?", I asked not making eye contact with you.

As he placed his paint brush in paint, and continued painting.
"I meant what I said the other day. I'm not taking you or your family away from hope. She deserves to be with a family who can protect her.", I said.

As he turned to me, "I'm not doing this to spite your feelings, I'm doing this because I knew what it felt like when my parents abandoned me. And I don't ever want Hope to feel like that", I said with tears forming in my eyes.

As he tried to approach me. I stepped back. "Don't. We still stand where we stand", I said turning around.

"By the way, I don't hate you, I just hate the person you became", I said walking out the room.

As I walked downstairs, "so your staying?", Freya asked me.
"No. Hope is", I said walking to the front door.
"Then where are you going?", she asked.

"I'm going back to bayou, and then I'm going to get my pack back, and then I'm going to kill Lucifer", I said walking out the house.

Freya's POV

After Hayley left, I walked upstairs to Klaus's room to see him painting.
"Must I be disturbed?", he said.

"My bad. I just thought that you wanted to know where the mother of your child is going. Did she tell you. I will not stand here and watch her get herself killed over something so stupid", I said.

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