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Hayley's POV

"now; can you tell me why I got in this car with you?", I asked him.
"You didn't have a choice; remember", Klaus smirked to hands on the wheel.

"Where the hell are you taking me?", I asked him.
"god; you are so impatient", he said as we pulled into a drive at of a cabin.

As we got out the car; I began to look around.
"You didn't tell me we were going on a vacation, Niklaus", Rebekah said.

"We're not", he said.
As then one of the witches who kidnapped me walked outside of the cabin.
"I'm glad you could join us; today", she said.
"What in the hell?", I asked Klaus.

"No need to be afraid; Klaus just wanted us to test on you today, to make sure the baby is healthy, and is alive", she explained.

"Couldn't you have taken me to real doctor?", I asked him.
"Could you for once shut up", he said.
I rolled my eyes.

"Abby", Klaus.
"I assure you we will protect Hayley", Abby said.
"I know you will; because if you don't I promise I end each & every single person in your witch coven", Klaus threatened her.

As Abby faked smiled; I stared at her repulsively as I didn't trust her, not one bit.
As Klaus kissed my forehead, "I'll be back, little wolf", he said walking to the car.

"Rebekah; don't let her out of your site", he told Rebekah.
As Klaus drove away; "come inside", Abby told me.

As I stood in a room while Rebekah wondered off in the woods; I waited for one of the witches to come into the room. As the lady walked inside; I smiled.

"hello; Hayley", she said.
"hello?", I answered with a question type of statement wondering how she knew my name, I never seen her before.

"So how long have you been pregnant?", she asked me.
"I don't know... just a couple of days", I said.
"Perfect", she said as I slowly watched her pull out a needle. I stared at her & then then needle.

As I quickly turned to see Abby talking to some men with crossbows. "I promise you won't feel a thing", she said as she raised her head about to stick the needle into my neck, when I head butt her, as I quickly took the needle & ejected into her neck making her scream.

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