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Hayley's POV

As we walked into the area to see the witches starting the ritual as hope was crying; I then saw Genevieve with a knife over my new born.

"No!", I shout raising my hand as if it was an instinct.
As the knife flew out of her hand; I stared at my hand realizing how much power I really have.

As one of the witches walked towards me; I ran towards her; as I then I happily with pleasure ripped out her heart & threw it to the ground.

"No!", I heard one of the harvest girls yell.
"Don't worry you're next", I said approaching her angrily.

As she used her magic at me; causing me to scream in pain. It was like my skull was crushing as then Elijah ripped her out heart the pain immediately stopped.

As Klaus killed the other harvest girl; all there was left was Genevieve. As she was using her magic to hurt Klaus & Elijah... as they screamed in pain.

For some reason it wouldn't work on me.
"Not Possibly", she said.
"It must be true. The prophecy. But how... not you", she said.

I stared at her; at I raised my hand; snapping her neck knowing she wouldn't be dead.
"I think it's time you & I have a little chat", I said. As I walked over to hope grabbing her off the tomb. As I looked at Klaus & Elijah.

I breathed calmly.
Staring at hope.
"Hope; huh?", Elijah asked.
"Now; were did you ever get such a name like that?", he asked.
"Hope. Because out of everything I've.. we've.... this family been threw she's the only thing that made it worth it", I said as I looked up to Klaus as he smiled at hope.

I saw it again. Hope & Joy & happiness in his eyes.
"Lets go home; little wolf", he said.
"What about her?", I said looking over to Genevieve's body.

"Leave her too me", Klaus said.
"When you kill her... make it painful", I said.
"I promise.... pain isn't all she's gonna be feeling", he said.


As I held hope; as I sat in her room. As I listened to Elijah & Klaus talk about what was the best plan to keep Hope safe.

I got up out the chair still holding hope; as walked into the room they were in.
"It's not fair. Hope doesn't deserve. She doesn't deserve to be killed; or hunted. Obviously she's not safe here; no matter what we do... where we go.. she's never gonna be able to live her life without your family's enemies", I sad tears started forming in my eyes.

"My mother abandoned at birth; so what I'm about to do is gonna hurt me. Because I don't deserve. We don't", I said.

"What are you talking about?", Klaus asked.
"If what Genevieve said about your mother coming for her; she's not safe here. With all this war going on; hope will never be safe. So the best shot we have for keeping hope safe is sending her away", I said.

"Away?", Elijah asked.
"Rebekah is leaving.... she needs to take hope with her", I said.

"We don't have to send her away", Elijah said.
"What other choice do we have; Elijah? While she's away; we could clean up the mess we've made", I said.

"I agree", Rebekah said walking into the room.

I watched as hope & Klaus's left the house with Rebekah as Elijah & I stayed upstairs watching it. As the door closed; I walked into my room.

As I pulled my bag out of the closet; and began packing clothes, basically stuffing clothing into my bag.
"W-what are you doing?", Elijah asked.
"I'm leaving", I said.
"Leaving? Why are you leaving?", he asked me.

"I can't stay here. Not anymore. I need to focus on what's best for me", I said with tears forming in my eyes.

"Hayley; I understand you're upset— I cut him off; "upset? Upset isn't the word.... I'm broken, Elijah. Broken. Every part of my is screaming; and it's like no one can here me. I have to feed off an innocent human to live; then I'll be hybrid. On top of that I just gave up my baby.... I failed as a mother because I did the same thing my mother did to me 18 years ago", I said.

"You didn't have a choice", he said.
"Everyone has a choice. The good. The bad. The worst", I said.
"And right now... I just made the worst choice", I said.

"Where are you going go?", he asked.
"I don't know.... I know... i can't stay in New Orleans anymore", I said.

"You can't leave. Your leaving behind you're family. You're friends.. Klaus... you're home", he said.

"THIS WAS NEVER MY HOME", I shout letting my emotions get the best of me.
"Im sorry. But I gotta go my own way", I said giving him a hug & a kiss on the cheek. Leaving the room; and out of the house.

Getting into a car; and driving out the driveway.

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