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Rebekah's POV

"can you guys stop being mad at each other; and help me find Hayley?", I asked walking into the the living room as Klaus was drinking his sorrow away & Elijah was staring at the window.

"Hayley left. Her choice", Klaus said.
"Yeah. But you told her too and now that she's gone; you regret it", I said.

"I regret nothing", he said.
"In fact; the only thing I do regret is trusting her, she turned Elijah & I against each other", he continued.

"No brother. Your selfish ways cause us to be like this", Elijah said turning around.

"Selfish? Everything I did was for this family!", he said.
"You daggering me was for this family?", Elijah asked.
"No. that was for me", Klaus smirked.

"No. you daggered me because your starting to see the truth", Elijah said.
"And what might that be?", Klaus asked.

"Hayley is no longer waiting you; she's move on. She's in love with now", Elijah said.

"No!", Klaus shouts in anger.
"Yes", Elijah said.
"No; she isn't", Klaus said.

"Face it. You pushed her away & now that you have it's to late", Elijah said getting under Klaus skin.

"You love her?", I asked.
As Klaus slammed me against the wall; choking me. Elijah through him back across the room.

"Keep your hands off of her", Elijah said protecting me.
"What's this... my own brother & sister turning against me? I knew this day would come", Klaus said.

"It's okay to care Klaus. It's okay love", I shout at him.
"All we ever wanted for you was happiness. All I have ever wanted. and now you let the only chance of you ever finding happiness or possibly love walk away", I continued.

As then the doorbell ring.
"Told you she'd be back", Klaus walking towards the door to see Sophia.
"Where is she? Hayley?", Sophia asked.
"She isn't here? Why?", Klaus asked.

"What? S-she's not here. This is not good", Sophia said.
"What's wrong?", Elijah asked.
"Hayley's in great danger", she said.

"What do you mean great danger?", Klaus asked.
"Genevieve & harvest girls.... there coming for Hayley & your child", Sophia breathed as I nervously looked at Klaus.

Hayley's POV
"So are you ever gonna tell what me happened last night that made you come here?", Jackson asked as I stood out looking at the lake.

"I don't wanna talk about it Jackson", I said.
"Did he do something to you?", he asked.
"Yes. He knocked me up. My life is completely different; people that I don't even know are out to get me for this damn miracle baby who I'm pretty sure isn't a miracle", I said.

"Klaus will never love me the way he loves power; and I will need to understand that. But I can't. Not because I don't know how but because I don't want to", I continued.
"Maybe Klaus isn't what you need", he said.
"What might that be?", I asked.
"A family", he said.

"What?", I asked.
"With all this family drama going on I bet no one asked you if you were okay", he said.

"Okay as in I have to give birth to this child?", I asked.
"No. okay as in are you ready to be a mother", he said.

As I was about to say something when I felt dizzy.
"Woah", I said holding my stomach.
"What's wrong?", he asked.
"The baby... something wrong", I said.

As suddenly Jackson began coughing; "jack... are you okay?", I asked. As suddenly his neck was snapped.
I gasped looking up; to see 3 teenage girls & a red-head.

"Finally; I was wondering how long it would take for me to find you", the lady said.

"Grab her. We don't have much time before the baby comes", the lady said.
"No!", I shout at her.
As began to cast a spell... I suddenly fell to the ground making me fall asleep.

Klaus's POV

We arrived at the bayou; by the looks of it.. it seems we were already to late. The place was ruined. Dead wolves everywhere. Hearts on the ground. There village were practically gone.

As I was Jackson helping this little girl; Elijah; Rebekah & I rushed towards him.

"Where is she?", I asked with fear in both my voice & eyes.
"She's gone. The witches took her; and killed many of my people", he explained.
"Were to late?", Rebekah asked.
"No. I refuse to loose Hayley", I said.

"I know where there took her", a voice said making all of us turn around.
"This church in town. It's not to far from here", he said.
"Klaus don't. We need to have a plan", Rebekah said.

"We do. Find the mother of my child & kill those 4 witches. And I promise there deaths will be very painful", I said getting in the car & fastly driving.

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