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Hayley's POV

I sat down taking a shot. As I noticed Tristan had satin down next to me. As I slowly turned to him, "stressed?", he asked.

"You don't even know the half of it", I said.
"Tell me about it", he said.
"Hunters from Mystic Falls are coming to kill Klaus, me, you, basically every supernatural being in New Orleans", I said.

"Oh. I thought it was something serious. Hunters never have been a problem before", he said.

"How are you not afraid to die?", I asked him.
"The question is why are you?", he asked.

"You're immortal. Just like I am", he said.
"Forever is never always forever, some how, some year, I'll die.", I said.

"And then until then", he said drinking.
"Let me show you something", he said reaching out his hand.
"I really should be getting home now", I said.
"Why do you have a curfew?", he smirked.
"What?", I asked.

"You always follow Klaus's & Elijah's rules, try thinking about you for once", he said.
"I did. 4 months ago, I left them. I left klaus. During those 4 months, I was a ripper. I killed & killed until I couldn't anymore. I hurt people. I was being selfish. And I can never allow that to happen to me", I said.

"I just want to show you something", he said.
I rolled my eyes, "fine", I said taking his hand as we walked out the door.

As I saw two man standing with guns pointing at us, "who look... lunch", Tristan said turning into a vampire. As I let my hybrid self show, as they shot us about three times.

I collapsed to the ground, as Tristan took of. H-he left me. Asshole. Jerk. Fucking Dick. All the words in the dictionary.

"Grab her & put her into the van", a voice said.
As I tried to fight back, but I was weak. I couldn't walk. Or do anything that couldn't help me. What happened to the one to stop all of this.

Klaus's POV
"I can't believe you let her go", Katherine said.
"Do you ever stop talking?", I asked.
As we all heard heavy breathing, and a soft pleading cry for help outside the door.

Elijah & I quickly walked towards the door, as I opened it, look to see Tristan bleeding out.

"Hunters. Took. Her", he managed before passing out.
Immediately Elijah & I knew who he was talking about. Elijah & I lift Tristan up, and placed him on the table.

As I bit myself, for him to drink my blood. "Why are you even helping him?", Katherine asked.

"Because Hayley cares about him. If we let him die, she'd hate us", I explained.

"Look at that. Hayley is just me afterwards. Having two handsome brothers fight over her like it's nothing. She doesn't even have to try", Katherine said.

[the next day]

Hayley's POV

"Please!", I cried out in pain as I was being tortured. It's been at least a couple of hours & they had already drugged me, shot me, hit me, revain me. I was weak, and no longer had a fight left in me.

"Who else in New Orleans is like you?", the man yelled as by the tone of his voice, he was very annoyed of asking me questions, and not getting the answer he wanted.

"I-Don't-Know", I said breathlessly.
Then man then punched, as I leaned against the chair, as that was the only thing holding my body up.

He was gonna hit me again, when another man walked into the room, "enough", he said as he saw me bleeding out.

I could barley see. My vision was blurry, and I was weak. "We don't want to do this. We just want to help you", he said.

"You kidnapping me, torturing me, beating the shit out of me, is helping me?", I asked.

"Don't you want to be human?", he asked, brushing my hair out of my face.
"No", I scolded as I spit in his face.

As he wiped my spit off of his face, "alrighty. Have it you're way", he said as he then snapped my neck.

Klaus's POV

"Nothing", Jackson said running into the house.
"Try it again. She couldn't just disappear", Tristan said.

"That's because she didn't you fuck. You left her", Jackson raised his voice.

"Enough. Both of you", Elijah said.
"Stop all this bickering, it's not gonna help us. At all. So we need to come with a plan", he continued.

"If we can't find her, how in the hell do you expect us to save her?", Jackson asked.

"I lost her scent. We practically searched all of New Orleans. If she was here we would have found her already", Jackson continued.

"And if that's case, maybe she isn't here at all", Katherine said.

"What?", I asked as we all turned to her.
"This whole time we been searching New Orleans, that's just it, what If she really isn't here at all", she said.

"Where could she be then?", Elijah asked.

- - "Mystic Falls, Virginia", the witch said as the blood from my hand traced on the map.
"Looks like we are going on a road trip", Tristan said.

"We? Who in the hell is we? You're the one that got Hayley into this mess in the first place, if you didn't leave her like a coward", Jackson shouts.

"And I am the same one who is gonna save her, so would you mind to not be so dramatic", Tristan said.

"Please can I kill him?", Jackson asked Elijah.
"Oh. How I would love watching Tristan die, we need him", Elijah smirked.

As Katherine looked at me as Elijah, Tristan, and Jackson were ahead of us. "You okay? You're quite quiet over there", she asked.

"Nothing that concerns you. Shouldn't you be off torturing the Salvatore brothers?", I smirked.
"Ass", she said about to walk away.

"Wait", I said.
"It's just that... I only want the best for Hayley. I love her so much, and I'd do anything for her to be safe. For my family to be safe", I said.

"Look at that. You're weak spot is the girl", she said.
"Who knew that she would come into you're bitter life, and make it better", she said.

"But the question is, Are you sure you're ready to love again? Who knows what could happen. She could die, like you're child. And you'd become the devil again", she smirked walking away.

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