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Elijah's POV

"she tried to kill the baby?", Rebekah asked me as if I didn't just say that.
"Yes", I said looking to Klaus.
"That's it; you need to talk to her. She's been in her room all day; hasn't spoken to any of us", Rebekah told Klaus.

"What am I supposed to say?", Klaus asked her.
"the truth. How you feel & what you are willing to do to keep her & your child safe", I said.

"Why can't you talk to her?", he asked me.
"Unfortunately; what Hayley sees in you.. she doesn't see in me. So it has to be you", I said.

Hayley's POV

I leaned against the wall staring outside the window; as I heard footsteps approach my opened door, as I turned around to see Klaus.

"h-how'd you sleep?", he asked me.
I ignored him; still looking outside the window.

"What do you want me to say Hayley? That I'm sorry? I didn't mean for you, to try & take the baby away", he said.

"It wasn't your fault. I was being selfish; and it was stupid", I said not looking at him; not wanting to make eye contact.

"I said many things in my life; lie or not. But one of the worst lies I told was saying that I didn't need anyone; because the truth is I need you Hayley", he said.

As I turned towards him looking at him; "I need you to show me a better me; I need you to be strong for him our baby. I don't want you ever having to feel like your not important to me; because you are... very important", he said.

As I looked down; "I am incapable of leaving you alone; there's just to many people who hate me that will try to hurt you to get to me", he said.

"Then don't", I said as I walked towards him.
"Don't leave me alone", I added as I reached for his hand when he pulled away.

"Hayley; don't. I-I can't. Not now; and not ever", he said.

"What are you so afraid of?", I asked him.
"You don't understand", he said.
"I won't hurt you; I-- I care to much about you, to do that", I said.

"Hayley; you are the very smart girl; and I'm pretty sure your smart enough to realize I don't deserve you", he said.
I shook my head.

"W-why would you say that?", I asked him.
"Face it; Hayley. I can't love you because the truth is I don't know how to love; eventually I will hurt you. I can't allow you to hate me for that", he said.

"I'm sorry; but for now & always you will only just be the mother of my child", he said as if it was like my heart just shattered into a million pieces.

As tears formed in my eyes; "its better this way", he said walking out the room.

Klaus's POV

I heard Hayley break down as I just broke her heart; as it made me so upset I had to do that. Too protect her; as suddenly I was moved into the living room downstairs pinned against the wall as I looked to see Elijah.

"Do you mind letting go of me?", I asked Elijah.
"Elijah", Rebekah's voice said walking into the living room.

"Why in the hell would you say that to her?", he asked me.
"Spy much?", I asked as he repulsively punched me.
As I became angry; "I'd advice you to stop before things get out of hand", I told him.

"You basically stood there showing her a good side of you; and let in her; and then you pushed her away; again", Elijah said.

"Don't let your feelings for Hayley get in the way of what's going on?", I asked.
"And what might that be?", he asked.

"Your just jealous that Hayley's in love with me; and not you", I smirked. As he slammed me against the wall; I through him to the ground.

"How dare you? Hayley isn't a competition. She's a human being; with more feelings then any of us", Elijah said pulling himself off of the ground.

"I'm sorry to tell you this but not everyone can be enough for you; brother", I said.

"For centuries; my brother... I knew you were never gonna be enough for this family; your never gonna be enough to run New Orleans again; and you most certainly will never be enough to raise your own child or Hayley", he said harshly.

As I quickly broke a chair; holding the wooden leg as a dagger; about to throw it into his heart when we were interrupted.

"STOP IT!!", Hayley yelled as loud as she could; as she looked at both of us.

"Just stop fighting", she said.
As she looked at the wooden leg in my hand; and I dropped it to the ground. As she looked at Elijah who pulled himself of the ground.

"My apologies if we disturb you; my brother & I were just having a civil disagreement", Elijah said.

"You call this civil?", she asked.
"Trying to kill each other; over what?? Me?", she continued.

"You gu-- as Hayley stopped talking as she began coughing; "you okay?", Rebekah asked her.

"Yeah", she said as she still remained to be coughing.
"Hayley?", I asked her.
"I said I'm fin-- before she could even finish her words; she began coughing up blood.

"What in the bloody hell did you eat?", Rebekah asked.
"Not-- me.. Sophia", Hayley said.

"Sophia & Hayley are linked together", I said.
I quickly walked towards her; as she stopped coughing up blood; as she stood there for a couple of seconds.

"Hayley?", Elijah slowly approached her.
As suddenly Hayley fell almost to the ground until I caught her; "Hayley?", I asked as she was unconscious.

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