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song: Bird Set Free X Sia

don't you just love it?", I asked Klaus as he held Hope in his arms, I mean after everything that happened, he hasn't even put her down.

"Love what?", he asked in his baby voice as he was only talking like that for hope.
I giggled.

"I love how everything is normal now. How it's been a week, and no drama, no fights, nobody dying but or hands.", I said.

"Stick around. That might change soon", Freya said walking into the living room.

"Alright. I'm on my way out. I'll be back before 7. I'm running some errands. Anyone what something?", Rebekah asked.

"can you get my those red chips, that teenager love. They are so good. Damn it. I forgot the name of it", Freya said.

"hot fries?", Elijah said walking into the living room.
"Awe. Yes those", frets respond.

"Well, I should be on my way too. You know...", I said getting off the couch.

"And where might that be?", Klaus asked.
"Shopping. Hope needs some new clothes, and food", I said.

"I'll have one of the severs do it", klaus said.
"I'm pretty sure I can handle shopping at Walmart", I said.

"Why are you so determined?", he asked.
"I just really wanna get out of the house. If you don't trust me, have Freya go with me", I said.

"I would love to go and babysit but I have to finish these very hard spell", she said.

-babysit? I'm almost 20 years old. I don't need a damn babysitter.

"It's not that I don't trust you, it's that... I worry if- I cut him off, "worried. The only thing all of should be worried about is keeping Hope safe. Not me. Her. I'm a hybrid. I can handle myself, perfectly fine without backup", I said.

"That's not how I recall it. I mean you've been kidnapped multiple times, it could happen again", he said.

"Yeah. When I was pregnant. Defenseless & Weak. Now I'm not. I killed Tristan. One of powerful warlocks in centuries, I killed those witches who could've killed hope. And I finally know how to control my magic, and I'm so close to having my own pack with Jackson", I said.

"Wait. Your aren't serious are you?", Elijah asked.
"Look, I get you if you guys don't like Jackson very well, but he's been there for me. So many times, he could've gotten hurt or died. And I can't keep pushing him away because he's not family. He's always been there, more then he should've been. And now I have to apologize to him because I've been taking him like shit for days", I said.

"He's a wolf", Klaus said.
"I am too, so what are you getting at?", I asked him.
"You were a wolf. But now your a hybrid of 3. All I'm saying is he shouldn't trusted", he said.

"wait when all of sudden you don't trust him?", I asked him.

"After.... he cut himself off as we heard cars pull up into the driveway. As I turned to the window, "Elijah!", I shout.

As he sped into the kitchen to look out the window, "it's the Martel's", he said.

"Who?", I asked with confusion as that name had not rung a bell.

"Tristan's people", he said.
As I walked back into the living room, "freya take hope yesterday. And seal the bedroom, nobody in, just you and her out", Klaus said.

As the doorbell rang, "now!", Klaus raised his voice.
As Klaus walked to the door, and opened it, as Elijah stayed with me.

"what is it now that Tristan wants?", Klaus asked pretending as if he didn't know I killed Tristan.

"Is there someone by the name of Hayley Marshall living here?", the voice asked.

"Hayley!", Klaus called me.
As I walked to the front door, "yeah. Wassup", I said trying to sound like I wasn't nervous when I was.

"These men want to speak to you", Klaus said. As I turned to see Elijah standing in the corner of the door.

"We are have to ask you some questions about the missing person by the name of Tristan Martel. Told by his guards you were the last person to be seen with him, so do you know where he could've gone, how long he was missing?", the man asked.

"Tristian isn't missing. He's dead, and I was the one who killed him", I said with no remorse for grief for him.

"I'm glad to know it wasn't someone cared about, so that's means when I do kill you, I wouldn't care", the voice from behind the men said as out stepped behind them was his sister.

"Aurora", the words escaped from Klaus's mouth as he stared directly into her eyes, as I could tell even those it's been centuries since they've last seen each other, nothing has changed between them. 1,000 years later, and he still was in love with her.

"Hello, Niklaus. Would you mind inviting me in, we have some unfinished business", she said.

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