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Elijah's POV

As Klaus paced back & forth staring at Hayley who was unconscious. "Why the hell isn't she waking up yet?", Klaus asked Sophia he was upset.

"I-I don't know; we're linked that means since she's unconscious; I should be too", she said.

"Unless your not linked to Hayley; anymore", Rebekah said.
"You unlinked yourself to Hayley?", Klaus asked. As suddenly; Sophia's heart began racing she tried to run; when Rebekah slammed her against the wall.

"Aww.. come on love... you know you can't outrun us", Rebekah smirked.

"Okay! Okay! I'll tell you", she said.
"Why did you unlink yourself from Hayley?", I asked her.

"They made me do it. If I didn't they were gonna take me magic away, I'm sorry but I couldn't let that happen", she said.
"Whose they?", Rebekah asked her.
"The first of the original witches, the ones who started the harvest girls", she said.

"What do they want from Hayley?", Klaus asked.
"They want her power & your child", Sophia explained.

"Power? What type of power does a 17 year old werewolf have?", Rebekah asked.
"Sabine found out Hayley bloodline is made of witch & werewolf; so when she was born she --- I cut her off; "was born a hybrid of a witch & werewolf", I said as I looked over to Klaus.

"A witch?", Klaus asked.
"Its not possible; she hasn't used any power", he continued.

"That's because she hasn't unlocked it yet; most likely because she doesn't want to; or it's too deep down in her past she doesn't know how", Sophia explained.

"Klaus; when your child is born the harvest girls will sacrifice Hayley; and the baby will be reborn", Sophia continued.

"Meaning that both Hayley & your child will die", she said.
"I'm not losing that child", Klaus said walking towards Hayley about to try and wake up.
"I'm not willing to lose either of them", I told him.

"Don't wake her; if you upset the balance of time; she might be in a trance forever, and not wake up", Sophia said.

"Besides she can't wake up without facing her deepest; darkest fear", she said.

Hayley's POV

I woke up in the witches tomb right outside of an old cemetery; I walked on the ground following the trail of blood. As I walked outside to se bodies left on the ground.
As I looked up to see a man finish draining the blood out of a person body.

"finally; I've been waiting for you to awake", he said wiping his mouth.
"Who the hell are you?", I asked him.
"Let's just say I'm family", he said.

"I don't have any family", I said.
"I'm the demon the father of your child is so afraid of", he said.
"Oh; your the horrible dick of a father, everyone's been talking about", I smiled slowly backing away from him.

"Watch your mouth you foolish girl", he told me.
"You do realize your son is a monster because of you", I said.

"Do not call that mistake of a man; my son. He is not my son", he shout at me.
"I get it; father issues.... you can't stand him; because you turned him into a you; but much better", I smirked.

As he went towards me; I ducked... kicking him away from me.

"Klaus is never going to happiness because the man who he thought was his father couldn't own up; and not be a pussy, and just love him. My question is out of all your kids; why did you target Klaus?", I asked.

"You better watch what you say", he warned me.
"Why? You can't hurt me", I said.
"I'm pretty sure I can find a way to kill you since your going to be stuck in here forever since your dead", he said.

"No; I'm not", I said.
"Yes, you are", he said.
"If I was dead; you wouldn't be trying to kill me", I said as I thought of running.

He then stood in front of me; "tell NiKlaus & his siblings; that I'm coming... and this time he will die", he said as he then reached his hand into my chest, pulling out my heart.

- [present time]

I woke up gasping for air; as I shot up, "your okay; love", klaus told me calming.
"I-I saw him. He said he's coming to kill you", I said looking to klaus.

"Saw who?", Elijah said.
"Michael", I said looking to klaus who looked to Elijah; as then they both looked at Rebekah.

[Middle Of The Night]

I couldn't sleep. Even if I tried. The thought of my daughter growing up with a dead mother; and a father is is on everyone dead pool. So what Tyler told me was true; my parents... my mom was a witch; who fall in love with a werewolf.

Which means I'm a hybrid of a witch & werewolf.
Everything's been so confusing lately; this sacrifice thing; my feelings for Klaus. I just wish things were different. Like I wasn't 17. Nor; pregnant.

The worst thing I did; was try to take the only thing that makes sense after this is all over; which is the baby.

I decided sleeping wasn't even a option anymore; I walked out my room. As I walked downstairs in the family room; to see Klaus painting.

At almost 4 in the morning; he says it helps him let out his anger. I walked into the family room; "what's wrong?", he asked me.

"I couldn't sleep", I said.
As he turned around to painting; "you made all of these?", I asked him.
As I walked towards this one hanging on the wall; as city lights. "This one is so beautiful", I said.

As it was like he was ignoring me; "we really need to talk", I said.
"Oh; no. Not one of these moments", he said sighing.

"Fine; you don't wanna talk... just listen", I said.
"All I have been doing is listening. Listen to you tell me how you hate me; but you still love me. Then how I'm not enough for you; how my brother will love you if I don't. How I'm going to be the end of this family. I don't wanna listen anymore, Hayley", he said still painting.

"I'm not going to stand around; until your ready", I said crossing my arms.
"I'm not asking you to", he said.
"Can't you just look at me, klaus?", I asked him.
As he turned around; "I am", he said.

"No... Klaus look at me. Tell me what do you see? Because I see a scared girl looking for someone to finally care about her-- he cut me off; "you don't think I care about you??", he asked.

"I care about you. What you do. Who you are. I care to much for you; and that's why you & I are never going to work out. I care about your feelings more than mine. If I lose you; Hayley... I will completely fall apart again", he continued.

"Then why are you fighting me? Why can't you just-- he cut me off "because I can't. People that want me dead; are going to think they your important to me, and try to hurt you", he said.

"Stop using that as excuse", I said.
"What?", he asked.

"You know what I think; I think you're confusing me with one of those sad girls who will wait for a guy to chose. I'm tired of waiting. I can't force you to love me if you don't", I said as I began walking out of room, we I was pushed against the wall.

I looked up to see Klaus; so close to me.
I breathed heavily; as I wanted to kiss him so badly.
"don't ever for a second think I don't love you; I do... even when I don't act like it. I do", he said.

"goodnight; Klaus", I said walking away from him.

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