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Rebekah's POV

As I just finished putting Hope to sleep, I walked out her room to see Katherine was leaning against the railing on the stairs.

"How long as it been since you decided to quit your own life, and follow behind your worthless but surprisingly still hot brothers", she said.

"Mhm. You know how hard it is for me not to push you down the stairs? But I really don't wanna fight with left overs", I said.

"Left overs?", she asked.
"You slept with both the Salvatore Brothers, broke both of their hearts, turned both of them, your a bitch, and your basically a hoe", I smirked.

As she was about to say something when my brother walked inside.
"Where is she?! Hayley!", klaus shout as Elijah & Jackson walked through the door.

"Shh! I just get hope to sleep. What's wrong?", I asked as I followed Katherine downstairs.
"Tristan", klaus said as his name frightened me.

"The same Tristan you said you gotten rid of. The same Tristan who now because of you is gonna marry Hayley, and then kill her for her power", klaus said.

"Nice one. Rebekah", Katherine smirked.
I ignored her comment.
"What?", I asked.

"Niklaus & Hayley were attacked by Tristan, who threatened to kill klaus if Hayley didn't marry him", Elijah said.

"Why in the hell would she do that?", Jackson asked.
"I mean I honestly would've let him died", he added.

"We all know why. Because she's in love with him. Actually she's in love with both Klaus & Elijah.", Katherine said.

"Because she's Hayley. She thinks she some damn hero. So if the mother of my child dies; it's because of you, my sister", Klaus said walking into the living room to put himself a drink.

As I looked to Elijah who would always be there to defend me from Klaus.
"I- he cut me off, "you know how much Hayley means to me. If something happens to her because of you, I will never forgive you", Elijah said walking past me.

Hayley's POV

"This still doesn't make any sense to me. You payed the hunters to kidnap me, and made it seem as if you were with Klaus, but you were against him all along to get me? Just so you can protect me from Dahlia?", I asked.

"Not exactly", Tristan said as he poured himself a drink.
"Wait. So why do you want me to marry you?", I asked.

"Because if you don't. I will kill your so called family the mikealsons including your daughter", he said.

I became very over protective. "Leave my daughter out of this. If you do so much as look at her the wrong way, I will rip your throat out", I said.

"Easy now. I'm not gonna hurt her. As long as you make a deal with me", he said.

"I'm sorry but when it comes to my family, I don't make deals", I said standing up.

"I only need you for your power okay!", he said getting angry.
"For what?", I asked.
"My sister. She out there somewhere and I need to find her, and without your power I can not do it. So please... you care so much about family, right? Just... let me explain", he said.

"freya is the name of the other mikaelson. She is the oldest of all the mikealsons.", he said.
"So dahlia is Klaus's mothers sister, who kidnapped Klaus's other sister who is Freya, and that's why Rebekah couldn't kill her because your the only one who know where she is", I said.

"You do catch on fast", he said.
"So why me? Not Rebekah or some else for that matter?", I asked.

"Because your the only one who made klaus the soft & weak man he is today. Before you or that child, it was only about power, he would kill everyone, everyone feared him. But now they just feel bad for him. And you're the only one Klaus as had a connection with in a long time, besides Aurora", he said.

"Who?", I asked.
"My sister. The last time I seen Klaus & his evil family was in 1543. Klaus & his family were hiding from the town hunting village who knew what they were. I wanted them dead but of course my sister wanted different. At the time she was in love and dumb. And then one night they had gotten into this big argument, and he just snapped, he let his anger get the best of him and he killed her. Little did he know, his sneaky ass sister fed Aurora her blood so when she said she'd- I cut him off, "she'd become a vampire", I said.

"So if she's a vampire can't you just have a witch locate her?", I asked.
"Rebekah compelled a which to take away her memory from the location", he said.
"Knowing Rebekah that's something she'd do", I said.

"You don't understand I need to find my sister", he said.
"I'll help you find her", I said.
"Don't lie to my Hayley, I don't like playing games", he said.

"I'll help you find your sister but you have to do something", I said.
"And you're sure you will find her?", he asked.
I nod.
"What is it?", he asked.
"I want your help to find my birth parents. Who they are? Where they live? And you have to promise me after all this is over, The Mikealsons & My daughter will never be relevant to you", I said.

"Okay", he said.
"No. promise me", I said.
"I promise my word", he said.

"I'll have my people take you home safely. I will be planning to see here again tomorrow morning", he said.

I had exactly until tomorrow to come up with a plan for Tristian & who ever the hell his sister is to die. I don't trust him, and I never should had.

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