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Hayley's POV

"Where are you", I said walking in the basement with a flashlight. Klaus & Rebekah were out doing business in mystic falls; leaving me & bodyguards home.

"You have to be in here somewhere", I said as I was looking for Elijah. It's been a couple days since Rebekah & I found out Klaus was lying about Marcel having Elijah.

Rebekah told me he was in here; the basement & I just needed to find where. As I walked through the dusty; and old tunnel ways that lead me to a hallway with a room on the end of it.

As I quickly walked towards the door. I tried to open the door but it was locked; there was a lock on it.
"Shit", I mumbled.
As I grabbed a rock from the ground; and banged it against the lock. As I heard footsteps above me; I stopped realizing I was drawing attention to myself.

If his bodyguards found me; they would snitch.
I did it once more but this time harder; and the lock broke. I threw the lock to the ground opening the door to find 4 coffins.

I breathe heavily walking inside. Why in the world does Klaus have 5 coffins. Which ones Elijah.
As I walked to the first one to see a younger male daggered that look a little like Klaus & Elijah as if they had a baby together. Weird right?

Closing it. I walked to the next one to find another male daggered but older looking.... like Micheal & Elijah. As I walked to the next one to find Micheal.

I gasped heavily. He looked so different from in my dream. He looked peaceful. But deep down inside I knew he didn't deserve peace. I closed it & walked towards the other one to see a female.

"Mother", I said as I read the printed writing on her casket. As I turned around going to Michael's.

"Father", I said going to the other two.
"Finn" & "Kol"

No. please do not tell me the father of my child hides his family daggered in his basement. Who knows how long they've been like this. It could be months. Years. Centuries.

As I walked to the last one opening it up to see Elijah; I sighed in relief. I placed the flashlight down; and struggled pulled the dagger out him but I did.

Anger filled inside of me.
Klaus won't just have to handle Elijah; but he will also have to handle me. I then heard footsteps walked towards the room; I then turned around to see the door open & there stood a bodyguard.

"Wait till Klaus finds out what you did?", he said walking towards me. As grabbed a rock and hit him upside his head, making him fall asleep.

"I've never liked snitches", I said dragging his heavy body next to Elijah casket so when he woke he could feed off of him.

As I grabbed the dagger & flashlight; walking out the room; going upstairs and sitting in family room waiting for Klaus & Elijah to get back.

As the door opened; Rebekah walked in with multiple bags.
"Well; no thanks. I got it", Rebekah said sarcastically.
As I ignored her waiting for Klaus to walk inside; as did.

"Home, sweet, home", he said taking off his jacket and throwing it to the ground.
"hello; little wolf. Missed me?", he asked with his ignorant; and cockiness.

"You lied", I said.
"Excuse me?", he asked.
"You said traded Elijah to Marcel; and that he wouldn't give him back", I said.

"He won't.", he said.
"No more!", I shout.
"No more lies! No more secrets!", I shout once more as I threw the dagger at him he caught it.

"Where did you get this?", he asked.
"The same place where hid the members of your family", I said.
"You didn't", Rebekah said as I turned to her and saw fear in her eyes.

"I only undaggered Elijah", I said.
"You went into the basement!", he shouts at me.
"Yes", I said with enough courage.

"You can't just dagger anyone you feel like it Klaus. Is that what your gonna do to me when I have the child. If I live... you're gonna stuff me in a box and don't undagger me until you need something out of me?", I asked.

"Hayley... you really shouldn't have went down there", Rebekah said.
"Well I did... but I think you're gonna have something to worry about", I said.

"NIKLAUS!!", the angered voice of Elijah shouts walking threw the house. As Klaus turned around; Rebekah & I stood there watching Elijah & Klaus about to have the fight of there life's.

"This is what you wanted right? Me to move on; and care about you; hmm? Well now I don't. If or when Elijah kills you; I won't care", I said harshly walked past him.

"Hayley; if you walk out the door. Don't come back", Klaus said as I knew I had broken his trust.

"Oh; trust me... I won't", I said walked out the door.
As footsteps following me outside, "where are you going?", Rebekah asked me.

"Maybe your right. I deserve happiness & unfortunately I will never be able to get it here", I said.

"Hayley", Rebekah said.
"You have my number tell my how the fight went", I smirked walking towards the car getting in & driving away.

I got out the car; to see them surrounding by fire siting in a circle.
"Glad to see you can join us", he said.
"Had no where else to go", I said.
"Klaus?", he asked.
I shook my head.....

"Alright let me introduce you", he said.

"You guys this is Hayley. Hayley this is my pack.... and soon it will be your pack", he added.
I slightly smiled.

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