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[song: read all about it]

Rebekah's POV

"I'll go find her", Elijah said.
"No. let her be. If she thinks she can protect herself then let her", Klaus said.

"Are you out of your mind?", I asked him.
"What?", klaus said.
"Hayley is incapable of protecting herself without us; do you not realize how many people are trying to kill her to get to you?", I asked.

As he poured himself a drink; "snap out of it; klaus!", I shout as he looked at me.

"What am I supposed to do?", he asked.
"be something everyone knows your not. Your showing Hayley what you really are & your just pushing her away the more & more you do", I said.

"Face it brother; we need Hayley more than she needs us", Elijah said.

"Why do you even care about her?", Klaus snapped at Elijah.

"Because I am the only one who has. All of that girls life; she was alone; no one ever cared about her; but now she came into our life. Changing everything; but yet you continue to act like your normal selfish ways. You pushed ceilce; and many others away from this family. I will not let you do the same to Hayley. And I'm not saying that just because she's the mother of your child. I'm saying that because if you don't love her; I will", Elijah snapped back even harder walking away.

As I looked at Klaus; as I walked towards him; "when will you realize; we're all you have left. Once you push Elijah & I away your going to be alone forever. And for an immortal forever is very long painful time", I said walking past him.

Hayley's POV

As I sat at a bench by nearby bar; rubbing my stomach. As I began to cry; as I heard footsteps approach me, I quickly wiped my tears.

As I looked up to Sabine; "Hayley? W-what's wrong? Why are you crying?", she asked.

"I-I need your help", I said.
"Sure. What do you need?", she asked.
"Is there a poison; a pill anything that can help me-- she cut me off; "no. Your not going to kill the baby. I won't let you", she told me.

"Please", I said.
"Hayley", she said.
"You know me; if you needed help; I would help you. Just do this tiny favor for me; and help me please", I said.

"Here", she said giving me a bottle with liquid inside of it.
"Take it before dawn. That should kill the --- the baby. Are you sure you really wanna do this?", she asked me.

I nod. "If Klaus doesn't want the baby; then neither do I", I said.

As I looked at the town clock it was 11:50pm.
I stared at the bottle of reddish liquid; as tears formed in my eyes. As I placed the bottle towards my face, about to place it towards my lips when the quicken footsteps approach me.

I looked up to see Elijah; "Hayley; don't", he said.
"Don't try to stop me; all I have to do is swallow it right; then I can go on with my life. Klaus & you & Rebekah can go on with there to", I said.

"Hayley; listen to me. You don't have to do that. You can raised that child to grow up; to watch her first steps; to watch it learn how to read; how to drive; and graduate. You can watch it all... but by you doing this... you won't be able to", he said.

"I don't know what else to do; Elijah. I can't raised a baby; I can't protect myself while carrying her. Everyone wants her gone; so why shouldn't I do the favor for them", I said.

"Because Klaus will never forgive you. You will never forgive you", he said.
As I stared at the liquid with tears in my eyes; as I then placed it on the bench next to me.

As Elijah walked towards me; as I got up from the bench walking towards him and hugging him.
"It's okay; you're going to be okay", he said.

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