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Hayley's POV

I breathed heavily as Klaus rolled into a driveway of this large house deep in the farming side of Arkansas. It was overwhelming, the feeling of everything finally being good, being where it should be.

"You're hearts racing. You okay?", Klaus pointed out as he turned off the engine. I turned to him, and looked at him.

"I finally will be able to see my daughter after 5 months", I said.
As I got out the car, to see Rebekah walk out the porch, I smiled of excitement.

As she handed hope over to me, tears fell from my eyes, as I held her. "hey, you", I said as I kissed her forehead. She was so beautiful.

As I turned to Klaus, and handed her over to him, as it was like Klaus had fallen in love with his own daughter, he stared at her with a passion.

I turned back to Rebekah. As she smiled pulling me into a hug. "God. I missed you & our little chats", she said squeezing me.

"I know.", I said as we parted.
"It's time both of you come home", I said.

"Niklaus is this true?", Rebekah looked to Klaus who was holding hope.
"Yes, sister. You & hope are coming home, so pack you're things, were leaving in 30 minutes", Klaus said going back to hope.

As Rebekah grabbed hope leaving Klaus & I some alone time.
"you okay?", I asked.
"You do know what this means right?", he asked me.
"What?", I asked.

"People who envy, and despise me are going stop at nothing to hurt us, by taking hope. They will stop at nothing to take all of my happiness away from me, and that starts with you & hope. How am I supposed to have power, and protect the queen, and my princess at the same time?", he asked.

"Build an empire", I said.
"An empire that people are afraid to go into. You are Klaus Mikealson, one of the very first original vampire to this day. You're immortal. You lived centuries. I'm sure you can manage to live 60 more. If you let fear control you, you really don't know what you're capable of", I said.

"I'm tired of feeling useless, and afraid. I've been afraid of all the wrong thing, at all the wrong times. It's time you get you're city back, and time I get my life back", I said encouraging him.

"What happened to you?", he asked.
"The hunters", I said.
He looked at me confusingly. "While I was kidnapped, I wasn't really trying my hardest to escape, I was depending on you or Elijah to come and save me like you usual do. And then... something just... something inside me just sparked. The only think I thought about while I was killing, and ending every single person in there. Was to get back to you, back to hope", I explained.

"I'm beginning to think you & I are very alike little wolf", he said.
"Yeah. The only difference you have a bad temper, and I don't", I said pushing him.

"Come on. Let's go help you're sister unpack", I said walking towards the house, as I tried to walk in when I couldn't. As Klaus smirked walking past me, "you have to be invited in, little wolf", he said smiling.

"I still think having Rebekah & hope in another car is a bad idea. They should be with us.", I said looking out the window as Klaus drove up home.

"They will be fine

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"They will be fine. Rebekah has protected & kept hope safe for several months, I'm sure she knows how to protect hope just for a couple more hours", Klaus said.

As I was about to say something when my phone rang.
"Hello?", I answered the phone.
"Where are you?", the worried voice of Elijah asked me.

"I'm in the car on the way home. Why what's wrong?", I asked.
"Tristan doesn't want hope. All along he wanted you", he said.

"I know.", I said.
"Where is hope?", he asked.
"She's with Rebekah. She's safe", I said.

"What's going on?", Klaus asked as we listening the over time.
"Brother turn the car around. Turn the damn car around now", Elijah said.

As suddenly I looked at Klaus as a car purposely sped into us, causing as to crash making the phone fall out of my hand, as we tumbled, turning, the car ended upside down.

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