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I woke up in a different bed, different room, and by the looks of it different house. As I removed the covers off of me, I then walked towards the door slowly opening it. As I heard conversation in the next room, I quickly walked in the other direction, looking back as I realized the coast was clear, I turned around to see Klaus in front of me.

I breathed heavily; as he scared me.
"Going somewhere, love?", he asked me with a mischievous grin.

As I raised my hand to slap him; and he caught it.
"That wasn't necessary, little wolf. Was it?", he asked.
"You drugged me and kidnapped me, I think trying to slap you was absolutely necessary", I said.

"You're quit snappy, aren't you?", he asked.
"You know your a dick right?", I asked him.
He was about to answer with probably one of the most unnecessary comment ever; until a blonde haired girl walked up the stairs.

"Niklaus; dinners re-- she cut herself off by seeing me.
"Oh; she's up", she said.
"What were you saying, sister?", Klaus asked her.

"Dinners ready", she said.
As Klaus walked me down the stairs by holding me by my arm, as at the table who sat Elijah.

"How did you sleep?", he asked me.
"Fine. I just want to go home", I said.
"And then what? My enemies find out your carrying my child? They'll try to kill you & take the only thing that matters to me away. Now stop complaining & sit your little ass in the chair or I'll do it for you", Klaus told me.

I sighed; as I did as I was told knowing that they're would be no point of fighting with him.

[ the next day ]

"Ugh", I sighed getting out of bed.
"What's bothering you?", Elijah said entering the room.
"I'm bored. I can't stand staying in this house any longer", I said.

"And where would you like to go?", he asked.
"Anywhere, but here", I said.
"Alright then; get dress, I'll be waiting downstairs", he said.

As he walked out the room; I smiled.
After getting dress; I walked down the stairs to see Rebekah and Klaus talking. "And where do you think your going?", Klaus asked me.

"Out", I said.
"Little wolf; I'm not the one to play games with; so do you mind telling me where exactly are you going?", he asked.

I rolled my eyes.
"Out with Elijah", I said.
As Elijah walked into the hallway; "is this true?", Klaus asked Elijah.

"Yes. I'm taking Hayley into the town; she said she was tired of sitting in the house", Elijah said.
"Have fun babysitting", Rebekah said.

"Brother? A word, please", Klaus said to Elijah.
"I'll be waiting outside,", I said going outside and sitting on the front steps.

As a couple of minutes later; the door opened and footsteps walked out of them, I turned around thinking they were Elijah, instead it was Rebekah.

"Where's Elijah?", I asked.
"After a long disagreement my brothers had; Elijah angrily left. So I'm stuck on babysitting duty", she explained.

"I'm 17", I said.
"Yeah; whatever", she said opening the car door for me to get in.
As I looked back at the house; as Elijah wasn't coming. I sighed; getting into the car with Rebekah.

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