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Hayley's POV

After waking up earlier then everyone else; I finished doing my morning routine. I walked downstairs into the kitchen making coffee; and I opened up the windows; and played some music.

As I pulled out the eggs & bacon out of the fridge; listening to Avril; "what the hell".

I began to sing along pulling out a pan from underneath the cabinet.

"All my life I've been good but now; ohh I'm thinking what the hell", I sang along as I cooked.

After a couple of minutes my eggs & bacon were finished; I cooked enough for everyone else... as I poured the black coffee into the mug adding sugar & cream.

As Elijah walked into the kitchen; "good morning", I said taking a sip of my coffee.

"Your in a cheerful mood", he said walking towards the counter.
"I prefer to be happy then moody & sad", I smirked.

As Klaus walked into the kitchen; "your up early", he said.
"Morning", I replied.

"Jesus Christ; if your gonna listen to music play something good", Rebekah said walking inside the kitchen.

As I was about satisfied with what I had aten; I placed on my coat; and turned off the music.

"Breakfast is on the stove; hot coffee on the counter, there's clothes in the washing machine. I gotta run but I'll be back later. Oh; yeah... I'm gonna go shopping; you guys need anything?", I asked.

"Bleach", Rebekah said.
"Where do you think your going?", Klaus asked me.
"Out. I have a couple errands to run", I said.

"I'll join you", Elijah said.
"I'm fine", I said.
"I'll go with her; she can't go alone", Rebekah said.

"I would like to go out with out any of you guys breathing over my neck; how am I supposed to blend in & not get notice if I have three original vampires following me everywhere", I said.

"Hayley; we went over this already your incapable of protecting yourself without us", Klaus said.

"And your incapable of stop acting like a dick; but I don't judge you", I smirked.
"Out of the question. You are not going out without one us", Klaus said.

"Maybe she's right; we have to trust that Hayley knows how take care of herself", Rebekah said.
"Thank you", I said finally someone was believing in me.

"Absolutely; not", Elijah said.
As I sighed; "I just want to go out & live", I said.

"Okay; if you do go what are you going to do?", Klaus asked.
"Get a job", I said.

"A job for what?", Klaus asked.
"Money", I said.
"We have that here; you don't have to work", Elijah told me.

"I want to be independent; shop; party; have a car; I could work at that diner downtown; I heard they pay really well", I said.

"And then what you go to college; have my child; and get hitch to a farmer; and live happy ever after?", Klaus said.

"That sure enough sounds better then sitting around in this old house wasting my life away", I said.

"You should be a stripper", Rebekah joked.
"I can see it now; pregnant teenage werewolf stripper; sounds amazing", I said.

"No.", Klaus said.
As I was about to say something when I heard a car angrily drive up towards the house.

"Are you expecting someone; brother?", Elijah asked.
"No. Rebekah?", Klaus asked.

"When have you ever heard of me inviting someone over?", Rebekah asked.

"Hayley?", Elijah asked.
"Don't look at me; I just stay here. This is your home", I said.
As I looked out the window to see the witches who tried to kill me in the woods that night; with crossbows & arrows.

"It's them", I said with fear in my voice.
"It's who?", Klaus asked.
"The people who tried to kill the baby; there here for me", I said.

"Rebekah take Hayley threw the back door now", Elijah told Rebekah who without hesitation took my arm.

As then we ran to the back to see man jumping over the fence; as we ran back to the front of the house wear Klaus & Elijah were.

"There bloody everywhere", Rebekah said.
As Klaus eyes began to turn; "let's see how many people want to die today", he smirked.

As they all stood around me.
I breathed heavily of what was about to come threw that door. As suddenly the door was opened; there stood sabine in a black coat using her magic.

"Sabine?", I asked.
"Sorry Hayley; but you & I both know that child is gonna ruin everything for you & for the witches; vampires; and wolfs. You really should've drunk that poison", she said.

As suddenly Elijah; Rebekah; and Klaus were screaming & yelling in pain.

"Stop hurting them!", I begged.
"Just leave them alone.. please", I said walking towards her.

"Hayley; no!", Elijah said trying to approach me as suddenly Sabine snapped his neck.

"Grab the girl", she told the man.
"No! Let me go! Get off of me!", I shout as the man pulled me by my hair.

As Sabine slammed Rebekah; Klaus against the wall, "hurt her & I swear I will ruin all of your bloodline of witches; each & every single one of them!!", Klaus shouts.

As Sabine breaks they're neck to; they fall to the ground, tears began forming in my eyes.
"put her in the van", she told him.

"Why? Why act like your with klaus; and then do something like this?", I asked her as the man held me following Sabine out of the house.

"Trusting klaus; was the worst thing I ever did. All he cares about is power", she said.

"He isn't what you guys make of him; he isn't a monster who kills when he wants... he kill to protect his family or himself; why can't you see that?", I asked.

"Why are you defending him! Can't you see your in this mess because of him?", she said.

"You mean because I chose to drink more then I should have? You mean from the fact that I didn't know how to keep my legs close?", I asked.

"I get it. Your in love with him aren't you?", she asked.
"What? No", I said.
"Yes you do. Because if you wasn't ; you would've drank the poison", she said.

"I hope you know loving him is the worst thing you could ever do; because at the end of the day klaus will only care about klaus. Hopefully you'll learn that before it's too late", she said.

As suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my arm; as I winced in pain; "I'm sorry this had to happen to you; Hayley", she said.

"No. please. Do-don't..", I said trying to finish my sentence when my vision became blurry; my hearing faded; and I slowly fell into a deep sleep.

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