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Hayley's POV

After lounging around in the house all day by myself; once again, I decided to go out. As I went to the door; I opened it to see this black man standing there as if he was about to knock.

"Who the hell are you?", I asked him.
"Well; your a new face", he said.

"My name is Marcel; you must know about me", he said.

As I remembered that man who attacked me talk about some one by the name of Marcel.

"If I did; do you think I would ask who you were?", I sassed.
"Your bitchy attitude is surprisingly turning me on", he said.

I rolled my eyes; "whatever you're looking for; I'm pretty sure it's not here anymore", I said.

"I just stopped by to talk to Klaus", he said.
"well; he's not here", I said.
"I'll be seeing you around", he smirked walking away.

As I closed to the door; going to the house phone as I picked it up & called Rebekah.

"what is it now?", she answered.
"Marcel just came by; saying he was looking for Klaus", I said.

"W-what? Okay; just stay there I'm on my way", she said.
As I heard the front door opened; "that was fast", I said walking to the front door, phone still in my hand.

"What was fast?", Rebekah asked through the phone.
"The door is open; aren't you inside?", I asked her through the phone.

"What the hell are you talking about? I'm all the way across town. Why is the door open?", she said.
"Then if your not here? Then who inside the house?", I asked.

As suddenly I heard footsteps from behind me; "whose there?", I asked.
As suddenly the power went off; I screamed as I ran outside the house quickly.

"Hayley; talk to me? What the hell is going on?", Rebekah asked me.

As suddenly I was hit in the back of my head making me fall to the ground. As I saw footsteps in front of me; "Hayley?", Rebekah asked.

"Hayley can't talk right now", the voice said before stomping on the phone. As my vision became blurry; and everything became dark as I fell asleep.

Klaus's POV
"I checked the whole house; she's not here", Rebekah said.

"Were going to ask the witches to locate her", I said.
"Klaus; Hayley said Marcel stopped by looking for you", she said.

"Alright; call me if anything else", I told her after getting off the phone.
As Elijah & I walked into Marcel's large home; as we saw a circle crowd of vampires play fighting each other.

As I walked into the middle with Elijah; as I ripped out one of the vampires heart. Causing everyone to look at my brother & I.

"to what do I owe the presence of too originals?", Marcel asked.

"The girl? Where is she?", Elijah asked him.
"You mean teenage girl; yey high; pretty eyes; bitchy attitude? Who is she?", Marcel asked.

"An old friend. You know I have a little sentimental part of me for old friends", I said.
"I have no clue. Yes; I stopped by... I mean once I heard the originals were back in town; I had to say hello to the king himself. We talk for a minute & that was all. In fact; if you don't believe I'll help you look", he said.

"But I do wonder; if I don't have her.... then who does?", he asked.

Hayley's POV
I woke up from loud music; my hands were tied together. I slowly sat up to see that I was kidnapped. Some guy was driving me, as I then began to kick the window.

As the window began to crack; the car stopped. As the man got out the car; I slowly leaned back; as the man broke the window; breaking the glass, and opening the trunk. As I went to kick him he grabbed my leg.

"I don't think you wanna do that? I'm a hybrid remember, Hayley", he said.
As i finally saw his face; "Tyler?", I asked as he tied my legs together.

"Ahh.. Tyler what the hell, get off of me, you crazy piece of shi--- he cut me off - "Shut the hell up", he said pulling me out of the trunk; throwing me over his shoulder.

"Let me go", I told him.
As he walked me away from the car.

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