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I sighed; sitting in the chair watching Elijah sleep as he was getting better, as expected.

"You look like shit. Let me watch him, go and get some sleep", Freya told me.
"How could I? All I think about is how Klaus wouldn't want to fight back.", I said.

"Klaus has reasons for his reasons", she said.
"No. What he is being is weak. What happened to the man everyone feared?", I asked.

"If you haven't noticed by now. You did. Hope & you did", she said.
I looked at her confused.

"Say he gets his revenge by killing Marcel & all of vampires. What will happen if the witches think that we're a threat. What would happened if Lucifer kidnaps you again?", she asked.

"It shouldn't matter what would happen or what doesn't happen. All I see now, it that marcel challenged us, and by us doing exactly what he says already makes us look weak. If I want something I take it, if I see something I act. I'm not going to sit here and let this family run. Once again. I'm tired of running. You guys are the originals, if you want to be feared make them fear you again", I said sitting out my chair walking down stairs.

"Where must you be going?", Rebekah asked packing up the placement.

"To handle this situation out with Marcel. We're gonna put an end to this of all it", I said.

"Does Klaus know about this?", she asked.
"Klaus doesn't have to know", I said walking towards the door.

"I'll come with you", she said.
As she followed me out the house.


"Hayley, and Rebekah. To what to do I owe the presence of one very powerful hybrid, and one of the originals?", Marcel asked as he walked towards us.

"We came to talk", I said.
As vampires jumped down, and came behind Marcel.
"Easy now. You heard the lady they just want to talk, so let them", Marcel said.

"you teaming up with Lucifer was the worst thing you could ever do. Specially to take out Klaus", I said.

"Niklaus is no threat to anyone. And you know that Marcel, he raised you as his own. I'm even surprised he listened to you, he's packing up the things getting ready to flee once again", Rebekah said.

"Thats was centuries before he turned against me. If anything Klaus made me what I am", Marcel said.

"Your not listening. Lucifer will turn on you, and kill your vampire clan, just to make a point", I told him.

"Unfortunately, I'm not you", he said.
As I stepped forward when Rebekah held me back.

"We didn't come here to fight or argue, we came here to tell you to watch your back. You may think you know Lucifer, but there is so much more you don't know of him. He may be an enemy of Klaus, but he will also became a enemy of you", Rebekah said.

"Now, you could sit here, and watch your people die, or join us, and fight back against Lucifer", I said.

"I rather sit and watch your people die on the winning team, which is Lucifer's. You two can go now", he said.

As his vampires stepped out from behind him, "I'm not leaving with Marcel in the back of our trunk", I whispered.

"You heard the man. Go", a vampire said.
"Make us", I said.

"This should be interesting", Marcel said taking a seat, and watching.

As they ran towards Rebekah and I, I turned into my hybrid self, ready to attack.

As they approached both Rebekah & I, we fought we and every single one of them off making our way to Marcel

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As they approached both Rebekah & I, we fought we and every single one of them off making our way to Marcel.

As I flipped over one, and twisted is neck off his body, holding his hand, as I breathed heavily, looking at Marcel.

Who was surprised but also looking at me.
"Now. Either your with us, or your not", I said throwing the head to ground.

"My turn", he said approaching me, as I stood my ground.
"Marcel, leave her be. If you want to pick a fight with someone, pick one with me", Rebekah said.

As he turned to Rebekah, and slammed her against the wall choking her, as Rebekah smiled.
"This isn't a game, bekah. Your brother will fall, like the rest of the mikealsons. And I promise I'll be around to bury all of you", he said.

"Not just not", I said snapping his neck.
As he collapsed to the ground.

"Just when I thought he was going to kiss me", she said bending down to pick him up.
"What are you doing?", I asked.

"Carrying it to the truck. Give me a hand. He's a little heavier then I thought", she said.

"Drag him. He doesn't deserve to be carried. He threatened our family, I don't care if he used to be a mikealsons. He is not one anymore", I said.

"What are we going with him?", she asked dragging him out of the building.

"That's not for us to decide", I said.

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