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Hayley's POV

I knocked on the door.
As the heavy metal door opened there stood Stephen Salvatore shirtless.

"Look what we have here?", he smirked at me.
"Words around the block is your the young pretty girl; Klaus knocked up. From the looks of it; I guess it's true", he said.

"Oh; bite me", I joked.
"how've you been?", he said pulling me into a hug.
"Better; I can tell you", I said.
"So why'd you stopped by?", he asked.

"Need a place to crash for a week. Just a little time free away from Klaus or the Mikealsons", said.

"What happened?", he asked.
"I slept with the devil; that's what happened", I sighed.

"You okay?", he asked.
As I began to break down; "my life is fucked", I told me with tears forming in my eyes.

"people are out to kill me because of Klaus. My daughter is gonna born whether I like it or not. She has to grow with a last name with will haunt her for the rest of her life", I told him.

"And her father is the most cocky; ignorant; annoying; controlling; possessive man I have ever met. He has the biggest ego & he gets on my nerves", I said.

"That's Klaus for you", he agreed with me.
"All he does is lie. That family has more secrets then a person who is running from their past. It's ridiculous", I said.

"You love him; don't you?", he asked me.
"What? No.. I don't", I told him.
"Face it; even though he's the father of your child you think of him more then a sleeping partner", he said.

"He's the father of my child; that's it. Nothing more, nothing less", I said.
"He annoys you; he cares about you; he's willing to do anything to protect you. Even when you hate him; you know deep down inside you love him", he said.

"Your out of your mind", I said.
"No; Hayley. Your out of yours if you think pushing Klaus away is gonna stop how you feel about him. Klaus may be a lot things; but if there one thing I know about him... he cares about people he loves", he said.

"He sure enough has a bad way of showing it", I said.
As he was about to say something when this girl walked to the front door.

"Stephen; who was at the--- she cut herself off by seeing Stephen & I were talking.

"Your Klaus's Wife", she said.
"Ew.. never", I said.

As Stephen clucked; "Elena this is Hayley; Hayley is an old friend of mine. Hayley this is Elena, my g-- I cut him off... "Katharine's doppelgänger", I said.

"That's me", she said.
"You must've been really important to Klaus; if he went out all that way to do-- whatever he was doing", I said.

"I'm just glad he's out of my life. He ruined it. He took everything from me, and I will always hate him for that. I'm just sorry your child will labeled with him as a father", she said.

"I'm sorry for what happened here. Even it wasn't my fault or I didn't know exactly what happened; I'm sorry", I told her.

"It's okay. It was nice meeting you, Hayley. Hopefully you'll stop by again, we probably go shopping together", she smiled.
"If Klaus's allows it", I said.
"Hm?", she asked.

"Unfortunately; I'm like a dog on a leash. Klaus put on a curfew so.", I said.

"What do you expect.... your carrying his child for god sakes", Stephen said.
As my phone began ringing; I pulled it out to see Rebekah.

"Hello?", I answered.
"Apparently; my brothers are worried that you ran off; and won't come back", she said.
"If only", I said.

"I'm surprised they didn't put out a rescue mission for me", I said.
"Where are you?", she asked.
"I'm far; far; far away from New Orleans", I smirked.

"Your in Mystic Falls aren't you?", she asked.
"I'm on my way home anyway", I said.
"Don't bother. My brothers are already on they're way there", she said hanging up.

"Well; I would love to stay & chat but I gotta run", I said getting into my car. Driving out of Stephens driveway...

Eventually; after getting onto the driveway out of no where my car stopped, I looked at the gas fuel; and it said E.

"Shit", I said banging against the wheel. As I was in the middle of freaking nowhere. As suddenly; a car pulled up behind me.....

As someone was getting out the car; so did I.
"Took you long enough", I said.
As I notice it was no Klaus or Elijah.

"Don't need protection, huh?", Jackson smirked.
"You just don't quit do you", I said.
"Come on; let me give you a ride home", he said.
"So what? Your just stalking me now?", I asked.

"If you call protecting you; stalking... then yes. I am most definitely; stalking the hell out of you", he said making me laugh.

"You should go; Klaus & Elijah will probably be here any minute by now & they'll be upset", I said.
"I'm not leaving; and I'm most certainly not letting either one of them touch you", he said.

"They'll tear you into pieces", I smirked.
"And Klaus would never hurt me", I continued.

"Why do you speak about him as if doesn't hurt people?", he asked.
"He only hurt people if he has to protect his family; I would do the same", I said.

"That's a lot of talk for a person who doesn't know Klaus every well; what do you expect is gonna happen after your child is born? He'll accept you into the family? He'll love you? I bet the only reason he's protecting you is because your carrying his child; but after your child is born; who gonna protect you then? Because it won't be Klaus", he said.

"I can protect myself", I stated.
"Yeah; I pretty sure all the times you got kidnapped; and were attacked prove to me that you can protect yourself", he said.

"Shut up", I told him.
"I get it. You act all tough inside but the truth is your this insecure scared little girl inside who doesn't know the difference from people who care about you & people who don't even give a shit if you die", he said.

"Shut the hell up. You don't know what your talking about", I said as he began to get under my skin.

"Face it. Whatever; you know Klaus will never be enough for you; yet you still want him in your life. It's amazing how one minute your mad him & the next your love with him", he said.

"Go!", I shout at him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you", he said.
"Yes; you did. Now go.. Jackson. Now", I said.

As he slowly walked away from me; getting in his car & driving away. As I began to cry. He was telling the truth. I need to face the truth; all I am is just the mother of his child; and me to expect him to change his evil; cruel ways is just selfish of me.

I deeply sighed; wishing none of this even happened.
As a car sped up towards me; the car came to a stop. Angry Klaus & Elijah got out the car.

I quickly wiped my tears; not wanting to show them that I was crying but it was too late. Before Elijah could say something I spoke.

"About time. You guys took forever", I said trying to sound as happy as I could but even that didn't work.
Klaus stared at me; "alright; lets go home", I said walking to the car as I opened the back door getting in & waiting for them so I could just take a long nap in my bed.

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