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"earth to Hayley?", Rebekah snapped at me.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I realized Hope's bottle was over filling.

"Sorry. I - was just- Freya cut me off walking into the kitchen, "day dreaming once again", she said holding her spell book.

"There just a lots been going on, and I haven't really been focus", I said making an excuse for my day dreaming. Every time I think about klaus, it's just leads back to 2 nights ago, when we kiss.

"You stick around. It only gets worst", Freya told me.
As I sighed, placing the cap on the bottle of Hopes, and taking the bottle to her.

As I noticed Klaus was holding her bottle, I deeply sighed. "Here", I said handing it to him and walking out of the living room.

As suddenly I was pulled over by Rebekah.
"What the hell?", I asked her.

"Why have you been acting so weird lately? Everytime your around Klaus, you seem- different", she said.

As I looked down nervously, "you guys did something didn't you?", she asked.

"Lower your voice. Would you?", I told her pulling her into the bathroom running the water.

"Okay. The night I went go find Lucifer, Klaus found me, and stopped me. And then we argued for as long as I can remember. And then he apologized. Which was very odd. And then he kissed me.", I said.

"And then what else happened?", she asked me.
"Nothing. I just pushed him off, I haven't said anything to him recently. So", I said.

"That's it? I thought you guys would've... you know?", she said.

"What? Are you insane? I already have one to take of, I don't need two", I said.

"So what about Elijah?", she asked me.
"What about him?", I asked her.

"He's in love with you, and apparently so is Klaus. But I think it comes down to who you rather be with?", she said.

"Wait, what?", I asked.
"You have to choose", she said.

"I don't have to do anything", I said.
"Yes. You do?", she said.

"Will you hurry up in there I have to pee!", Freya banged on the door.

"Uh. Yeah. Sorry", Rebekah said unlocking the door.
"Finally.... Hayley?", she asked surprised to see both of us in the bathroom at the same time.

"I was just leaving", I said walking out the bathroom.
As I turned to the stairs to see Klaus coming down the stairs, "Hayley, may I have a word with you?", he asked.

"Can't", I said turning around going to the door, as I opened it to step out of it.
When I see Marcel, dragging a body towards the house with a large amount of his vampires behind him.

"Klaus!", I shout. As he sped from the top of the stairs, to the door.

As the stopped.
"Ready! Aim! Fire!", Marcel yelled as the vampires raised there bows and arrows.

My widen as suddenly I was pulled to the ground by Klaus, and covered me.

As he pulled me off the crowd. "Are you okay?", he asked me. I nodded.

"Hope is sleeping, what the hell is going on?", Freya asked walking down the stairs. As I noticed they were beginning to throw grenades.

As one landed in front of Freya, she gasped, everything now I was in slow motion.

"Freya!", I shout.
As then the grenade went off.

My ears were ringing. My vision was a little blurry but began to clear up. "Klaus?", I asked coughing.

"Yeah", he answered.
I was relieved.

"what in the hell is going on?", Rebekah asked walking from downstairs.

"Marcel.", Freya said pulling self off the ground.

"Marcel did this?", Rebekah asked sounding so shocked.

"I'm gonna kill him", Klaus said walking out the door.

"Klaus. Wait", I said following him.
As Marcel sped towards us, "a parting gift from Lucifer", he said.

As he threw Elijah's body, as he rolled towards my feet.
"Oh my god", I said bending down to him, to make sure he was still alive.

"Marcel what have you done?", Rebekah asked walking out the house.

"Something I've should've done a long time ago. Make allies with the enemy of my enemy", he said smirking.

"You won't get away with this", I told him.

"You could end all of this. Leave New Orleans. All of the mikealsons including hope, and Hayley'. Leave like you did 100 years ago. Or start a war you cannot win.", he said.

"The choice is yours. I'll see you again old friend", Marcel said walking away with his vampire clan.

"I'm going to enjoy ripping his tongue out, when I kill him", I said.

"Your not going to do anything", Klaus said lifting Elijah up from the ground bringing him inside.

"Why in the hell not? He just disrespected not only your family, he hurt Elijah. And he challenged us", I said.

"Hayley. I said no", he shout at me.
"And I said why?", I asked him.
"Because were leaving New Orleans. Now go inside and start packing hope's things", he told me.

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