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Hayley's POV

I opened the door to the mikealsons house. I then saw Rebekah sitting on the stairs. "Niklaus!", she shouts at she walked towards me giving me a hug.

"You're alright?", she asked as if she was unsure.
"Yes. I am. Are you?", I asked her letting out of her.

"Klaus thought Tristan had done something to you, he was worried about you", she said.

As Elijah, Klaus, Jackson, Katherine came walking into the front area.

"What happened? What did he say to you?", Klaus asked checking me to see if anything was off about me.

"I made a deal with him. My power to spare the mikealsons including Hope", I said.

"And for you?", Jackson asked.
"I have to do something for him", I said.
"Something like what?", Elijah asked.

"Find his sister. Aurora", I said looking to Rebekah who was nervous looking.
"Jackson. Katherine. This is family business. Both of you out before I make you leave", Klaus threatened.
As Katherine left. Jackson put up a fight.

"Not without someone tell me what's going on. I'm not leaving Hayley", Jackson said.

"Jackson... I don't want to involve you with this family's drama. If you know what's best for you, you would leave", I said.

"Hayley, I don't think you understand me", he said.

"I'm not leaving you. Even if Klaus has to rip my heart out, I'm not gonna sit here, and watch you risk your life with them.", he said.

"None of this is for them. It's for my daughter. So she could grow up with a family who loves, and can protect her", I said.

"What about you?", he asked.
"What about me?", I asked him.
"Don't you wanna grow up with your daughter? Be something your mom never was to you. If you do this, Tristan will kill you, and you'll never watch hope grow up, or something in life", he said.

"What is your point? I'll do what I feel like is best for my daughter. Not you, or anyone for that matter can change that", I said.

"I won't be around to watch you die.", he said leaving.
"Jackson wait", I said trying to walk out the door.

"Let him go. He'll be back", Rebekah said.
"Can you tell us what Tristan has planned for his sister?", Klaus asked.

"I don't know. All I know is that he seems a pretty determined to get her", I said.
"You can't be serious can you? There is a reason why I separated them. If Tristan gets his sister, they will be unstoppable, who knows what he's planned to do", Rebekah said.

"Just because I told Tristan I'll get his sister doesn't mean I will. You didn't actually believe I trusted him? Did you? One, he tried to kill me. Two, if Klaus hadn't suggested driving in different cars, he would've hurt hope. Which means he needs her. For what? I have no idea.", I said.

"So what are you planning to do?", Klaus asked me.
"Kill him", I said.
"Kill him? that's the best plan you came up with? You got to be kidding me. Tristan is very powerful, his partially immune to death", Elijah said.

"That's why we're gonna need some help", I said.
"From who?", Elijah asked.
"Your eldest sister", I said.

"I'm sorry did you just say sister?", Klaus asked.
"Your mother sister, your aunt took your sister away from your mother before you were even born. I think Finn was just a little boy then", I said.

"What?", Elijah asked.
"Dahlia, your aunt. Took Freya, and raised her on her own.", I said.
"It's true. Only 2 century ago I learned about the other mikealson from a witch, but I didn't think it was true. When you guys told to kill Tristian I couldn't. Because he and his sister was only one who knew where Freya was. He said that she looking for us, and she probably still is", Rebekah said.

"You kept this", Elijah said.
"I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you but you would've gave believed me. You probably would've daggered me, just like you did Kol and Finn", she said with tears forming in her eyes.

"I don't believe it", Klaus said being in denial.
"It's the truth. And that's not even the worst about it. Dahlia is coming for hope", I said.

As Klaus shot up at me.
"What?", he asked.
"Hope is like me. Hybrid of 3. Which means Dahlia will take her, and use her. Just like she did to Freya", I said.

"No. I won't allow it", Klaus did being overprotective walking towards the front door.
"Where are you going?", I asked.

"You wanted to see me at my worst? Will here I am. I'll be damned if I like Dahlia take her away from us.", Klaus said turning into his dark self.

"I'll be back. Don't leave hope out of yourself", he told me walking out the house.

As I turned to Elijah.
"What else aren't you telling us?", he asked.
"I kind of promised I'd get his sister back so if I don't... he will eventually kill me", I said.

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