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Hayley's POV

"you thought Klaus would keep me from killing that demon child; you thought wrong"; Tyler said walking to me.

I breathed heavily; staring at him.
"What did I ever do you to; Tyler?", I asked him.
"You slept with the devil!", he shout stabbing my stomach, as I screamed.

- I woke up screaming; as I placed my hand over my stomach breathing heavily. As I ran my fingers threw my hair, as suddenly my door slammed open; looking up to see Klaus shirtless.

"What happened?", he asked.
As I snapped out my trance from staring at the marks & scars on his chest.

"I-I-- uh... it was just a bad nightmare", I said.
As I got out of bed; "where you going?", he asked.
"I'm hungry", I told him.
"At almost 2 in morning?", he asked.
"Late midnight snack", I said.

As I walked out my room; with him following.
Going downstairs into the kitchen; "uh.. humans with there weird eating schedule", he said.

As I rolled my eyes; "you make it seem as if your an alien", I said going into the cabinet & grabbing Oreos.

As I went to the fridge, and pulled out the milk.
As Klaus stared at me; watching my every move.

"why are you staring me?", I asked him.
"You just remind me of how it feels to be a human", he said.

"I hope that's a good thing", I said as opened the tray of Oreos.
"at the time; it was. I loved it but unfortunately good things must come to an end right", he said.

"Klaus; you lived for more then 1000 years; how I see it... is that being immortal means life after life. Do you know how many humans would love that?", I asked him.

"I'm not human", he said.
"Here", I said giving him a half dipped Oreo; to change conversation.

"I drink blood", he said.
"You mean you want to", I said.
"What?", he asked.
"Just because your vampire doesn't mean you have to drink blood", I said.

He stared at the cookie & then me.
"Klaus; take the damn cookie", I said being annoyed.
As slowly took the cookie out of my hand; and took a small bite.

I rolled my eyes; taking a bite of mine.
"Mhm", I said as I remember my foster parents making me this all the time.

As Klaus became disgusted by the taste; "this is what you humans eat?", he asked.
"Yeah", I said.
"How disgusting", he said.
"Disgusting huh?", I said walking towards him with another Oreo.

"Hayley; stop", he smiled.
"Why", I smirked playing around.
"Fine you wanna play like that; okay", he said as he grabbed me by my waist & tickled me.

As I began to laugh; to much.
"Klaus--stop", I said with continuous laughing, as I couldn't breathe.
I was smiling; as I made Klaus laugh.

"a party and I wasn't invited; how nice", Rebekah smirked crossing her arms.
As Klaus let go of me; I pulled away from him.
"Don't stop by me; I just came down to get something to drink, carry on", she smirked walking to the fridge.

"I'm gonna go back to bed; goodnight", I said walking out the kitchen; making my way back upstairs to my room.

Rebekah's POV
"What the hell was that?", I asked smiling with joy.
"What are you talking about?", he asked as if he was clueless.

"That's the first time in centuries you smiled from being happy; not from being evil or cocky", I said.
"I can't smile?", he asked.
"Not over a girl", I said.

"Hayley isn't just some girl", he said.
"Yeah; she's the mother of your child; the one night stand girl? Remember? That's what you called her", I said.

"She's much more then just some one night stand", he said.
"Careful; Klaus. You don't want her thinking your the good guy, do you?", I smirked walking past him.

[Later That Day]

Hayley's POV
"So what's the point of this?", I asked Elijah as we stood in the backyard.
"you need to know how to protect yourself", he said.
"Isn't that your job? I mean it is what you promised me; remember?", I asked.

"Yes; I do. But we can't have you in the same situation you were in yesterday; can we?", he asked.
"I guess not. Alright; what's first?", I asked.

"Your aiming", he said handing me a stake.
"Okay; so... what am I supposed to do with this?", I asked him.
"It's a stake. I'm pretty sure your smart enough to put to & together", he said.

"No.... hell no. I am not going to stab you; Elijah. Are you out of your mind?", I asked him.
"Do it. This is part of your training", he said.
"Teaching me how to kill someone isn't part of my training; I want to learn how to protect myself; nor how to become a Klaus", I said dropping the stake and walking back inside the house.

As I walked into the kitchen; Rebekah was reading a magazine; "what's wrong with you?", she asked.
"Your brother", I said.
"Which one?", she asked.

As Elijah walked threw the double doors; "that one", I said rolling my eyes passing him.

As I walked into the living room to see Klaus reading;
"There you are", I said.

As he annoyingly closed the book he was reading; "why must you interrupt me?", he asked

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As he annoyingly closed the book he was reading; "why must you interrupt me?", he asked.
"Take me", I said.
"last time I did that; we were drunk; and well.... do I need to explain the rest?", he smirked.

"No. I mean out", I said.
"On a date? Sorry love but your not my type", he said.
"No. I mean--- wait... you have a type?", I asked arching my eyebrow.
"Yeah; should I not?", he asked.
"You shouldn't be picky; I mean you are a 1000 year old vampire", I said.

"So.", he said.
"Take me out into town; I'm stuck in this damn house all day; I have to listen to you tell me what & what not to. Your brother is annoying me; and your sister with her bitchy attitude is getting on my nerves. I at least deserve one fun; drunken night out in town", I said.

"I'm sorry you were staying something; I just stopping listen after all day", he smirked.
"Never mind; forget I said anything", I said walking out the room.

If no one was going to take me out; I'll do it myself. Instead of going into town, I'll go to mystic falls. Besides... Tyler & I need to talk.

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