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[song: hold me by janine and the mixtape]

Hayley's POV

I tiredly drove into the driveway of Klaus's house; as I got out the car; locking it. I walked to the door; opening it as I closed the door; locking it.

I slowly turned around to see Klaus; Elijah and Rebekah standing there.
I rolled my eyes knowing that I probably wasn't going upstairs anytime soon.

"Where did you go?", Klaus asked me.
"Out", I said.
"Hayley; right now really isn't the time to play with me; where we're you?", he asked.
"So what your putting tabs on me now? If you wanted to know where I was; maybe you should've listened to me", I said.

"Hayley?", Elijah said.
"Fine; I was out in town", I said.
"You weren't there; we didn't see you. don't play dumb with me", Klaus said.
"Maybe because I didn't want to be seen", I smirked.

As suddenly; I was pushed against the wall; "NiKlaus!", Elijah shout at his brother.

"Hayley; I'm not going to ask you again", he said.
"Why do you even care where the hell I was? You don't even care about me; do you? All you care about is the child; so you can make your self another generation of hybrids", I said.

"How dare you make such a comment that isn't true", he said.
"Oh; give it up. I heard your conversation with Rebekah; that night at the cabin. I heard it all", I said with tears streaming in my eyes.

He let go off me; "you misunderstood; it wasn't like that", he said.
"You know its actually funny; because I started to ignore what every one else was saying about you. That your a liar; a monster. I thought they were lies; because you showed me a part of you; that you never showed anyone else", I said.

"But you prove to me that I was wrong; because you are a monster, and all you want is power. But what you don't realize; is all that power is going to be the death of you", I continued.

"And after all that power is gone; you'll need one of us; you'll need me; but I promise I won't be around to care", I said harshly walking away.

"I am Klaus Mikaelson!! I don't need anyone!", he shout as I walked away.

Rebekah's POV

As Hayley who was in tears walked upstairs; I leaned against the wall crossing my arms.

"You idiot", I said.
"Please don't lecture me right now; Rebekah", he said.
"Out of y'all people you push away; why'd it be'd the mother of your child? The only person who loves you like a wife loves there husband?", I said.

"What?", he asked.
"Hayley shouldn't have to put up with this; specially not while carrying the baby", I said.
"Not right; sister", he said.

"She's right; Niklaus", Elijah said defending me.
"Not you too", klaus said.
"That girl is the only thing that's keeping this family whole; you may not see it because your too self-centered; and full of .... what do they say... I cut Elijah off trying to help him; "shit", I said.

"Yeah. Full of shit that you have forgotten your place in this family; your our brother; so stop acting like our father", Elijah said walking away.

As I looked at Klaus; "all we wanted was for you to be happy; but yet you continued to push her away. It's okay to care Klaus; love doesn't make you weak. It means you strong; don't ever forget that", I stated right before walking out the room.

[The Next Morning]

Hayley's POV

I heard footsteps enter into my room; "came to lecture me?", I asked turning around thinking that it was Klaus when it was Elijah.

"no; my intentions are less more complex then that", he smirked.
"And what exactly are those intentions?", I asked walking towards him.

"If I told you; I wouldn't be the good guy everyone thinks I am", he said.
As he stared into my eyes; I looked into his feeling the romantic tension between us. I breathed heavily; as suddenly Rebekah's cleared her throat getting both Elijah & mine attention.

"Klaus wants to speak to you; in the family room", she said.
"That's funny; you actually thought I care about what he wants", I said turning around.

"Hayley; I understand your upset but klaus is still the father of your child; and--- I immediately cut him off; "yeah; unfortunately he is. She's has to grow up with a father who has no heart, with a father who only cares about himself", I said.

"I would like you not to speak about me as if I wasn't in the next room", he said.

"Speak of the devil himself", Rebekah said.
"I don't care what you would or would not like; like i said yesterday; I do as I please. So if you have problem with that do something about it", I said.

"So much anger for a little girl", he said.
"I'll show you little", I said as began to walk towards him; as Elijah stepped in front of me facing Klaus.

"Brother why must you tempt her; knowing she already hates you; why make it worse?", Elijah asked.

"Because I wanna see her angry. At her worst", klaus said.
"You want angry; how about furious", I said.
"Show it", he said.

As I walked out from behind Elijah; walking towards him.
"I hate that you out of all the evil people in this messed up world is the father of my first child", I said pushing him.

"More", he said.
"I hate that you have no feelings what so ever about anyone; you hide it away like a coward; what are you so afraid of?", I said pushing him harder.

"Come on; you can do better", he said.
"I hate that I can't erase or stop my feelings for you; I hate that I have feelings for you; I hate that I love you!", I said pushing him against the wall.

"I hate that I love a monster. I hate you", I said as harshly as I could.

As he stood there shockingly at me; "you happy? Is this what you call angry? I'm past angry; klaus. No more of you telling me what to do to; from now one I'll do things my own way. I don't need you. I don't need this", I said.

"Hayley!", Rebekah said.
As I turned to her; as I realized what I just said; I told him that I loved him. As I turned to Elijah, who couldn't even make eye contact with me.

Without hesitation I took off out of the living room; and walked out the house; not having a clue where I wanted to go. I just needed to get away from the house; and that cursed family.

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