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Hayley's POV

"Welcome. Welcome", Tristan said inviting Elijah, Rebekah and I into his house. As we walking inside.

"Where's the king himself?", he asked.
"He wasn't feeling himself to come", Elijah said.
"What a shame. I guess there more blood for us then", he smiled making conversation.

As we stood in the living room with his guards behind him; I stood in front of Elijah, and Rebekah.

"shall we get to business?", he asked as we walked into the dining room sitting down, I sat in between Elijah and Rebekah.

"I'm sure Hayley told you everything I told her yesterday evening; the terms to are agreement. If she happens to find my sister, I will spare the all of mikealsons and including Hayley's child.", Tristan said.

"And what about Hayley?", Rebekah asked.
"What are you doing?", I asked her.
"Playing fair", she whispered.

"For Hayley... she is a mikealson isn't she?", Tristan asked.

"According to the records, no she isn't sir. Her full name is Hayley Marshall, which means she isn't at all a mikealson", Tristan's assistant said.

I sat up straight in my chair.
"Well, look at that. I think we forgot to put you in our agreement", he smirked.

"You tricked me?", I asked him.
"Tricked? No. you simply refused my offer for marriage to save these pathetic people you substitute for a family. Which means your not in the agreement; so if you happen to die it will be because your stubborn & hardheaded", Tristan smirked.

"You will not harm her", Elijah finally stood up.
"I won't?", Tristan asked him as if he was telling him.

"No. because if you do, you and I will have many problems. I believe you have forgotten I am a sire to many of those working for you, and just a snap of my fingers they will kill anyone I ask them too. And I don't think you want that to be you, not if your so close to reuniting with your long lost sister", Elijah threatened.

As Rebekah smirked, I turned to Tristan who thought deeply about what Elijah had said.

"is that a threat Elijah?", he asked.
"No. it's a promise I assure you I will keep", Elijah said.

"So... about that agreement?", Rebekah said.
Tristan breathed deeply, "I see I've been out-numbered", he said.

"Find. Hayley will not be harmed by me or my people", Tristan said.

"Now, we can get to business", Rebekah said getting up.

"The witch who erased my memories was Sophie's sister whom now is dead. But it doesn't mean it's gonna be hard to find your sister, so the plan is for Hayley & whenever Freya has arrived to get inside my head to the point where your sister went missing", Rebekah said.

"Sounds good. I'll have my guards to get a room ready for it", Tristan said.

"Sir. She has arrived", his assistant said walking back into the room.
"Bring in her", Tristan stood up from the chair, and so did Elijah, Rebekah, and I.

"Ladies & Gentleman, I present to you the long lost mikealson", Tristan said as a tall, blonde, fair complexion walked into the dining room.

As Elijah & Rebekah stared at her debating on to trust her; "I'm glad you could join us today. It seems as if your family has been very eager to finally meet you", Tristan said.

As Freya looked at us.
"I finally get to meet you guys", Freya smiled.

"I don't mean to intrude on your family reunion, but we have something to do, and I kinda wanna get it over with", I said.

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