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Song: I Need You X Divergent Soundtrack

Hayley's POV

I woke up coughing. I sat up to notice smoke surrounding the cell, I was being held at. I began cough harder, I couldn't breathe, let alone see.

I walked to the bars, and pulled on it.
"Hayley!", the voice shout.
"I'm over-here!", I managed breathing heavily.

"Hayley!", the voice got closer.
As suddenly footsteps came close to the cell, "step back, I'm gonna get you out of here", the voice said.

I backed to the wall, as suddenly the door of the cell was off, I walked out to see more smoke. As I looked up to see Tyler.

"Tyler?", I asked unsure why it was him to save me.
"A thank you would be nice; come on we have to go", he said.

"You're dead", I said.
"No. I'm not. Come on", he said.
"Klaus killed you.", I said.
"You're hallucinating. Come on we have to go", he said.

I looked down. "This isn't real. Is it?", I asked.
"What are you talking about?", he said.
"I just wanna go home", I said.
"See.. you haven't learned yet. If you want you're freedom you have to fight for it, stop asking for you're life back. They're not gonna give it to you, Hayley. If you want something you take it. No matter how tired you are", he said.

I woke up from being pulled out of ice cold water. I breathed heavily, as I was now cold, and wet. I looked up to see I was still being tortured by the hunters.

"7 minutes & 32 seconds. A new record. She's stronger then I thought. Get her ready for the next test", the voice of a lady said.

As I was thrown to the ground, choking up water.
As she began to walk out the room. I struggled to pull myself off the ground, standing up.

"Wait!", I shout.
Breathing hard. I was tired of feeling weak. Tired of feeling useless. I don't need someone to save me, I'll save myself.

"what?", the lady said turning around.
"You forgot something" , I said.
"Which is?", she said.

"You're gun", I said as held it up aiming up her.
"You wouldn't dare", she said.
As I pulled the trigger, the damn gun was empty. "I see I underestimated you, Ms.Marshall", she said.

"Not Marshall. Mikealson!", I said as the guards approached me, I turned into the hybrid that I was, and for some reason I wasn't afraid anymore.

As the guards shot at me, they missed, and I flipped over them snapping both of there necks. As I landed on the ground, I look up to see the lady shocked.

"You're turn", I said.
As she ran out the room, I chased her, as we began to fight. She punched me, and I threw her across the room.

"You kidnapped. Tortured me. Questioned me. I don't even think you deserve to you", I said picking her up and holding her by her neck as she was above the ground.

"Wait. Wait. I'm sorry", she said as she begged for her life's.
"me too", I said as I was about to kill her.

"He told us to do it. It wasn't our fault. He said if we didn't do it, he'd kill us. He just wanted to see how strong you where, to see if you were able to be on his team. The winning team", she said.

"Who is he?", I asked.
"I'm not suppose to say", she said.
"If you want to live tell me", I said.
"His name is Tristan.", she said.

My blood began boiling.
"What does he want with me?", I asked.
"He wants everything klaus has. You. And you're child. He knows. She's still alive. Please don't kill me. I'm just the messenger", she said.

"I'm not gonna kill you. I'm just gonna hurt you, very very badly", I said as I turned into a vampire.

As I bit her name, making her scream.
"Now, you have a choice, you feed you live, you don't you die, the choice is yours. Live like me for the rest of you're life, or live the rest of you're life for 18 hours", I said walking away.

As I picked up a gun, walking out the doors to see guards after guards lined up, to kill me. But I wasn't afraid.

"Finally. I've been hungry all day", I said turning back into a hybrid. As I fastly killed, fed, ripped out each of there hearts.

I paused. Licking the blood of my hands, I haven't fed in days, as I went back to killing. Once I finished, I let out a heavy breath, enjoying that.
Wiping the corners of my mouth. Walking to the main exit of the building.

Klaus's POV

We pulled up to the location the witch told us were Hayley was. I quickly got out the car, as i looked to Elijah.

"You smell that?", Katherine asked.
"Blood", Jackson said.
"And lots of it", Tristan said.

As we slowly approached the door. We heard two gunshots as then a body was thrown out of the large doors, as bloody woman rolled over to us.
"She's dead", Jackson said after checking her pulse.

As we looked up to see Hayley walk out the building, as blood was all over again.

"Hayley?", Elijah asked.
As suddenly she shot Tristan. As Tristan fell to the ground, bleeding out. I looked shocked, what in hell was she doing.

"That was for leaving me", she said.
As she shot him again. "And that was for lying to me", she said as she tossed the gun to the ground.

"W-what the hell are y- she cut Katherine off by snapping her neck. As Jackson approached her, she snapped his neck too.

"Hayley!", Elijah stood there confused also as I, but I didn't say anything.

"What?", she asked.
"You're not yourself. Explain now.", I said.

"Tristan told the hunters to take me, he made it seem like he wasn't part of it, but he was. He lied. To me, to you, to all of us. I can't trust Katherine because she's the same reason I went to go to talk to him, so either she was in it with him, and Jackson is just to nosy in the first place", I said.

As I began walking to the car.
"Where are you going?", I asked.
"I'm going to get our daughter", I said as Klaus's eyes brighten up.

"What?", he asked.
"Tristan new about that she was alive. This whole time. Now you can just stand here, and wait. Or come with me, to get our daughter, it's time she comes home", I said.

"Lets go get our daughter", he said.
As I looked to Elijah, who slowly smiled, "I'll stay here. Tristan & I have some unfinished business", he said taking off his jacket, and pulling up his sleeves.

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