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Hayley's POV

After a 6 hour drive; I pulled into the driveway of what I remembered to be Tyler's house. It was a quarter to noon, and the sun shined bright.

I grabbed my side bag; and got out of the car, as I looked at the large house; remembering when I was here. I walked up the porch steps as I knocked on the door; and waiting for it to be opened.

As the door opened; a blonde bubbly girl opened it; "who the hell are you?", she asked as she answered the door.
"The names Hayley; I'm looking for Tyler. I'm an.. old friend of his", I said.

"Okay; just wait here", she told me.
As suddenly a few moments later; Tyler walked towards the door.

"What the hell do you doing here?", Tyler asked angrily.
"Your angry? Your the one who kidnapped me; and held me against my will", I said.

As he closed the door; pulling me away from the house.
"What do you want?", he asked.
"I'm not here to fight; I just wanna talk", I said.
"Okay.. talk", he said.
"I need you to tell me everything you know about Klaus; and what exactly did he do in mystic falls", I said.

"Klaus doesn't know your here; does he?", Tyler asked.
"No & I like to keep it that way. But I don't have a lot of time", I said.

"Klaus isn't what you think; so don't underestimate him, all he wants is power. You & that baby is only thing getting him that. Klaus will make you think your everything he needs; that your important, and he will turn on you", he said.

"Klaus made me into a hybrid; but he didn't tell me the cause of that was hurting people I love. Elena the doppelgänger was one of them; he needed her to make an army of hybrids. But after he fled to New Orleans we been safe. And now that here he will only come looking for you & trace you back to me. So go... now", he said.

"I didn't drive 6 hours to Mystic Falls for you to tell part of the story; and then tell me to go. Tell me the whole thing; I'm not leaving until I get that", I said.

"Why is it so important for you know about Klaus?", he asked.

"I don't want to live like this. I don't my daughter growing up like this. In a world were vampires; werewolves; witches, and hybrids exist. So if any what people say about the father of my child is true, I should least know what I'm getting myself into", I said.

"Fine; you want the whole story. But before I tell you that; there's something you should know about your parents", he said.

Klaus's POV

"Hayley's gone; again", Rebekah said walking into the living room, where my brother & I paced the room nervously.

"I-if I would just listened to what she said; and not been so ignorant, -- Rebekah cut me off. "Its not your fault", she said.

"Klaus; what did she say?", Elijah asked.
"She wanted to go into town but I told her no, because it was to dangerous. Why would she just disobey me like that?", I asked.

"Because she's a teenager; she's Hayley, remember", Rebekah said.

As my phone began ringing; I pulled it out my pocket looking at the caller I.D; it was unknown number.

"hello?", I answered.
"hey; its Hayley", Hayley said.
"Are you out of your damn mind; where the hell are you?", I asked her.
"I'm safe; don't worry I can handle myself. I'll be back later on tonight, so don't wait up on me", she said.

"No. if you don't come home now; so god help me I will-- she cut me off; "you'll what? I'm not afraid of you klaus; and I'm not Elijah or Rebekah who follow your rules when given. I do what I want; when I want. And not even you can control that", she said leaving me speechless as she shocked the hell out of me.

"now either you wait till I get back or kill as many people as you want to; to find me. I mean that is probably the only thing your good at right?", she said harshly as she then hung up.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?", Rebekah asked me.
"I have no idea", I said.
"We have to find her", Elijah said.
"No. you heard her. We wait until she gets here", Rebekah said.

"If you think for a second I'm going to let the mother of my child tell me what to do; your wrong", I said walking out the room.

"Where are you going?", Elijah asked.
"I'm going to kill as many people I have to; to find her", I smirked.

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