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Hayley's POV

"I know rumors have been spreading like crazy. But it's true. You finally have a Queen. A leader", Jackson said as we stood in the bayou.

"She's too young", a voice yelled in the crowd.
"Yeah. She's not fit to rule us", a voice agreed as they all cheered.
"She's a murderer", a voice yelled.
Jackson tried to control the crowd, but failed.

"What are you doing?", he asked me as he saw me stand on the table.

"Everyone Quiet!!", I shout getting everyone's attention including .

"Fit or not. I promise you my loyalty. I am here today to lead you people as my people. I am no murderer, if I have killed, it was only for my family, to do what's best for my family. That's the only thing that matters, if my family are safe & okay, so am I. I promise you by me becoming your queen, we will be one pack, but we will be 1 together!", I shout getting my point across.

"Now, don't underestimate me, just because I have loyalty & I care each & every single person out here, doesn't mean if you double cross me, I'm gonna turn the other cheek, I will kill anyone who stands in my way", I said.

"You guys are my family now, family means nothing without trust, so trust me or not. I promise we won't fall", I said.

As they cheered & argeed with me.
I stood up straight & tall, knowing that I was a queen now, these people protect me, and fight for me, and Jackson.

"Now get back to work!", Jackson said.
As they crowd of people wandered off, Jackson grandmother, mama, I call her brought me Hope.

"Thank you", I said.
As suddenly a familiar car rolled up into the bayou, "what is it now?", I asked rolling my eyes as I gave hope to Jackson.

As I walked to the war angrily, as they both got out the car. I turned to see Hope was given back to mama.

"We need to go now", Klaus told me.
"No. I'm not leaving", I said.

"Hayley, were not joking around, get hope & get in the car now", Elijah as he tried to reach for me, I pulled back.

"No. I'm tired of always trying to be a mikealson. Your family is sick. You have so much drama & I tried being a part of it, but I can't. Because the truth is it's not my family, it's Hopes", I said.

"I don't have any time for your games right now, get in the damn car", Klaus said grabbing my arm, to pull me as suddenly out of no where Jackson and a couple of other wolfs, stood near me, and began to growl.

"I think you heard her the first time, she said let her go", Jackson said standing up to Klaus which by he way was very sexy.

"I could take all of you", Elijah said.
"Enough. Both of you", I said as Klaus let me go.

"You guys it's okay. I'm fine", I said to my pack.

"Hayley, hope & you are in danger, if you don't get into the car right now something very bad might happen to you", Klaus said.

"I don't need your protection. I have my people to protect me.", I said.

"We can protect you more", Elijah said.
"Fine, I'll go. But there coming with me", I said.

"What?", Klaus asked.
"If you want to get in the car, I'll have people in two cars behind us following me. You want me to be protected, they will protect me & hope", I said.

"I will not have those dogs in my house", Klaus said.
"We wouldn't want to sleep in your coffins away", a voice from behind added.

"Klaus, we don't have time for this. Let's go", Elijah said.
"Fine. They can come. But I swear to god if they so much look at me the wrong way I will- I cut him, "will what? If you hurt one of my people, you'll have to deal with me. And remember I'm not so pretty when I'm bitchy", I said.

Klaus sighed, as he got in the car, I grabbed hope, and Jackson got into the car; and few others got into two cars behind Klaus's & Elijah.

"Since when did you decide to run a pack, you didn't take it up with me", Klaus said.

"Since I decided I deserved better", I said referring to both Elijah & him, talking about family wise, power wise, and mainly relationship wise.

As Jackson intertwined his fingers with mine, as I looked at him, and smiled. From the corner of my eye, I could feel Klaus's eyes look at us threw the rear view mirror.

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