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Hayley's POV

As the limo drove up to the large mansion, I stepped out holding my dress. Klaus & Elijah we're already here, I assumed. I mean they did leave 30 minutes before I did.

I walked out the stairs to the front doors, as they opened, I took a deep breath in & out holding the mask up to my face.

As I walked into the large mansion playing music, as I walked into the ballroom area to see people dancing, and having a good time.

I immediately spot Klaus & Elijah, as they stood at the bar watching everything. As I looked over near them to see Jackson... as suddenly the spotlight that was on the dancing couple now stared down at me.

Getting everyone's attention to me, as I slowly walked into the ballroom with people staring at me. I looked to see Elijah who walked towards me.

"You look - I cut him off, "thank you", I said.
As he escorted me, "why are they all staring at you?", I asked him.

"Not me. You", he said.
"Why me?", I asked.
"Your a hybrid of a vampire, werewolf, and witch all in one, one of a kind. First of them actually. Plus, I think it's because your on of the mikealsons now", he said.

"Just because I had sex with one, doesn't make me a mikealson", I said harshly.
He looked puzzled at my response, "sorry. I just.. you know what I mean", I said.

As he was about to say something to when Jackson walked towards me, "may I offer you a dance?", he asked pulling out his hand.

I bow, and accept the dance by taking his hand as he began to lead, and follow.

"You look stunning", he said.
"Thank you", I said.
"Quite an appearance you had there, everyone including me was staring at you", he said.

"I didn't mean for that to- I guess I'm like honey, and I keep attracting B's", I said making him crack a smile.

"At first I didn't think you'd come", he said spinning me.
"And why is that?", I asked him.
"Because Klaus never lets you go anywhere", he said.
"That was when I was pregnant. Carrying his child. But now I'm a pregnant free-teen werewolf", I said.

"I'm sorry about hop- I cut him off, "I came to have a good time, not grief over the lost of my child", I said as the dance was over.

I walked myself back to Klaus, and Elijah, "having fun yet?", Klaus smirked asking.

"Yes. Actually. I am", I said.
As a horn for everyone's attention.

"Good Evening Ladies & Gentlemen, and welcome to Ball Gown Dance, we have some important people here today. I would like to give a big round of applause for Marcel", the man said clapping as everyone other then Klaus, Elijah & I clapped.

I heard Klaus & Elijah talking to themselves, "how is he even alive?", Elijah said.
"I swore Rebekah told me she killed both of them, that they wouldn't be a problem", Klaus said.

"So if Tristan's alive, so is his sister", Elijah said.
"So if any of you guys have something to say please let me know what the hell is going on", I said.

"Klaus & Elijah Mikealson", Tristan said.
As the spotlight went on Klaus & Elijah, as I slowly clapped as I cautiously watched them walk up to go with Marcel.

"Finally, best for last, Hayley Marshall", Tristan said as I nervously stood there. Me? To what did I do to be recognized.

I slowly walked threw the isle of people making my way up to the stage, as Tristan stared at me.

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