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Hayley's POV

"What do you mean Elijah was taken?", I asked confused on what Klaus as just said.

"Do I have to spell it out love. While you too were braiding each other's hair; Elijah & I were attacked", he said.

"Oh come; your an original. So you're telling me you couldn't just rip out their heart?", I asked.

"I would've but there would've been nothing to rip out", he said.

"So they had no heart?", Rebekah asked.
"Like me. No", he smirked.
"Who do think it was?", Rebekah asked.
"I know exactly who it was", Klaus said.
"Who?", I asked.
"You know my old dear friend; Marcel", he said.

"You mean the Marcel who you stabbed in the back? The same marcel you tried to kill?", I asked.
"Yep; that's the one", he said.

"So what's the plan?", I asked.
"My plan? To take the world & make all the evil humans bow down to me. Or Rebekah's to find love in a cold; cold world?", Klaus smirked.

"Bite me", Rebekah said.
"No. I mean to save Elijah ", I said.
"Oh.", he said.

"Your a bad brother. Your gonna let Marcel do whatever he want to your brother; to get to you?", I asked.
"He was taken; klaus. We could at least go help him", I continued.

"Okay; so I might have exaggerated that part; more then I should have", he said.
"What the hell are you talking about?", Rebekah asked.

"Elijah wasn't taken. I simply gave him over to Marcel for a trade. You know..... deal for deal", he said.
"Simply? You don't just give Elijah... simply", Rebekah said.

"Thats basically saying I simply just sleep with you", I said.

"I don't here you complaining", he said.
"Yeah; because I'm stuck with it. Whether I like it or not; i will give birth to a child. Whom much you probably forgot is your child two", I said.

"Well; there's nothing we can do. A deal is a deal", he said.
"What was the deal anyway?", I asked.
"I'd get half of New Orleans back", klaus said.

My expression on my face; changed dramatically.
"Is he serious?", I asked Rebekah.
"Fine. You don't wanna go help; Elijah. I will", I said as I grabbed a wooden chair breaking it. As I held the leg as a dagger.

"Okay—Okay. I'll save him. Just say here", he said.
"No. I'm coming with you", I told him.
"If you say so; little wolf", he said as Rebekah & I followed him outside the house.

After getting out the car, we pulled up to this large house. It looked like a New Orleans Hotel. As Klaus & Rebekah & I walked into the building.

"Marcel", Klaus shout walking into the building.
As Marcel stood over the balcony staring at Rebekah; Klaus & I.

"Hello; old friend", Klaus smiled.
"Rebekah", Marcel said acknowledging Rebekah.

"So this is the girl everyone's been fighting over; what's so important about her anyway", a teenage girl about a year younger then me asked Marcel walking next to him.

"And you must you be the witch bitch everyone's been afraid of", I smirked back as Rebekah laughed a little.
"At last I didn't sleep with the devil", she said.
"look bitch; you better watch your mouth; before I rip your tongue out. That way we could put everyone out of there misery", I smiled.

"Ladies. Ladies. Play nice", Marcel said.
"Hello; old man", Davina said to klaus.
"Davina", Klaus said.

"So; why have disturbed us?", Marcel asked.
"Elijah. We want him back", Rebekah said.
"That's going to be a problem. Klaus & I made a deal; and I don't know if I can undo it", Marcel said.

"Well; you better find a way or your going to have one pissed off; hormooic teenage pregnant werewolf. And I'm not so pretty when I mad", I said.

"I can take her", Davina said.
"I like to see you try. I'll rip you in half before you can even walk down those stairs. Don't test me bitch", I smirked.

"Hayley!", Klaus said seeing that my anger was getting the best of me.
I breathed heavily; "I'm sorry; she doesn't know how to control that little mouth of hers sometimes", Klaus said.

"Rebekah can you take her outside. Marcel & I have business to attend to", he continued.

As Rebekah walked me to the car; "while that was quite a show", she smirked.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me. I-i just.... she cut me off; "I get it. You were upset; and inpatient, plus your pregnant so", she said.

"I like this angry you. Your hot when your angry", she smiled at me.

As suddenly footsteps walked outside the building. Rebekah & I turned around to see Davina & I guess her vampire bodyguard.

"I think we got off at the wrong foot", she said.
"I think your underestimating my judgment", I said.
"Look I'm trying to apologize", she said.

"Apologize by giving us back Elijah", I said.
"Marcel doesn't have Elijah", she said.
"What?", Rebekah asked.

"Elijah is somewhere daggered with the rest of your brothers", she said to Rebekah.
"And where might that be?", I asked turning to Rebekah.

"Somewhere in the house" Rebekah said.
"Why would he lied?", I asked.
"Because that's what he does. He's evil", Davina said.

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