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Hayley's POV
I woke from begin dragged into a church; "l-let me go", I said not strong enough to scream.
"Hurry; the baby's coming now", the witch said.

"W-what? No. it can't be!", I said.
"Get your hands off of me you psychotic ass bitch!", I shout at the pinned me to a table.
As suddenly I knew the baby was coming. Why here. Why now. Please don't let them take my child. No.

I let out a scream from excruciating pain

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I let out a scream from excruciating pain.
I began to cry. I should've listened to Sabine. Who warned me; she told me not to let this happen. And what did I do. I let exactly what she told happen. Classic me.

"Hayley; you have to push. This baby is coming whether you like it or not", the witch told me.

As suddenly the doors opened; I looked up to see Klaus; I breathed heavily in relief.

"Get away from her!!", he shouts walking fastly towards the witches. As suddenly through him against the wall; tying him there so he could watch the whole thing.

"No!", I cried.
"Hayley push", the witch told me.
"Ahhh!!", I screamed pushing my child out of me.

"If you touch her I swear I will end you; and all of your bloodlines!", Klaus screamed over me.
"One more.. Hayley.. push!", she told me once more.
I cried out once more...

As suddenly I heard a cry; like an angel. There out come hope. I breathed heavily; I was crying. I just gave birth.

As they held Hope. I stared at her from distance.
"Let me hold her.... please", I begged the witch as she gave me Hope. I held her.

I then slowly looked up to Klaus; and smiled as I watched his eyes light up.

I then slowly looked up to Klaus; and smiled as I watched his eyes light up

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As suddenly I was pulled back; and my throat was slit. I began gagging on my own blood as the witch took Hope out my hands; I held my neck as I leaned back staring at the ceiling... trying to block how Klaus's scream to realize this is how I died. How I lived. How my child will never grow up with a mother.

Like me.
As suddenly I felt cold. Weak. I closed my eyes just second; realizing I will never be able to wake again.


Klaus's POV

I sat there holding Hayley's body; as she was dead. The mother of my child is gone; mostly because my selfish ways.

"I'm so sorry", I said running my fingers through her black; brownish hair.
"If I wasn't so selfish; and self centered... this would've never happened. You don't deserve this. You deserve happiness; and love. I'm sorry I couldn't give that to you", I said crying over her body.

"If there's one thing I should've told you.... it would it be that I-- I do love you. And love is a very hard thing to do for me. But for you.... it was worth it", I said.

As suddenly footsteps walked through the door as I looked up to see Elijah. I saw the pain in his eyes as he saw the girl he loved lying dead in my arms.

"I- couldn't save her", I tried to explain to him.
"We promise Niklaus. We promise to protect her; and the child", he said.

"We lost both of them", I said.
"We still have time. I refuse to let Hayley's death be in vain. We're gonna go get my niece & kill each & every single witch apart of Hayley's death", Elijah said as I heard the anger in his voice.

As I got up; carrying Hayley's body and placing her on the table. As I stood over her, staring at her. As I slowly leaned down & kissed her forehead.

Leaving the church with my brother & going to the witches graveyard.

Hayley's POV
I woke up in the same church I was killed in. I breathed heavily holding my neck. "What the hell?", I asked as I thought I was supposed to be dead.

As I realized the cut wasn't there; I must've held.
But how? I looked straight. Hope's blood; Klaus's blood saved me.

As I got of the table; this is unreal. I was dead. I died. The truth had been getting my me; rotting away my sanity. The only thing that matters is saving hope; and killing those witches.

I'm gonna enjoy ripping out each & every single one of there's hearts. Expect Genevieve.... her death will be painful.

As I left the church going to the witches graveyard were the ritual was supposed to be taken place.

I angrily walked threw the hallways where I heard conversation. My hearing... it increased greatly. I could hear from far.

"How do you expect us to take down 4 witches. We need a plan", Elijah said as I turned the corner walking into the dark room that they stood in.

"Hayley?", Elijah said shocked & surprised to see me.
As he caught the attention on Klaus; we quickly turned around to see me.
"How? I watched you died?", Klaus said walking towards me caressing my cheek.

"Hope's blood... you're blood. It held me", I said.
As suddenly i became hungry... "what is that?", I asked.
"You're.... you're in transition", he said.

"Transition? To what?", I asked.
"Your becoming a vampire. When you died... Klaus's blood was still in your system. Which means one you feed you'll be a hybrid", Elijah said.

"A hybrid?", I asked.
"Focus... we got worst problems then that", Klaus said.
"Problem? The only problem we have is 4 psychic witches think they can take my child; kill me & get away with it", I said.

"You have a plan?", Elijah asked.
"My plan? My plan is to kill the harvest girls; and Genevieve.... let's just say her death will be more painful then the harvest girls", I said.

"Well; what are we waiting for? I got a taste for Witch blood", I smirked walking out the room with them following me.

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