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Hayley's POV

I woke up from the pain in my right side, the sun was blaring down at my face like it was hot day. I looked down to see this large chuck of wood deep through me, I also saw two cars in front of me.

Both damaged.
As I heard yelling in a house.

Klaus's POV

"I trusted you. With my family. With Hayley!", I yelled as Tristan and I began to fight.

"You shouldn't have", he said throwing me against the room.
"Hayley doesn't deserve you. Foolish girl is too in love to see that, all you're gonna do is hurt her.", Tristan said.

"So that's what this is all about? Hayley not loving you? Are you that lonely, that you find & take joy of shedding my happiness?", I asked.

"Absolutely", he said.
"You have a family. A Child. And you want to throw it all away for power?", he asked me.

"I think you're confusing me with yourself", I said.
"I'm gonna offer you a deal.... that you can't refuse. If Hayley marries me, I will promise you will have New Orleans back to how you want it. Your Kingdom. Your Rules, right? All she does is have to marry me", he said.

"What are you planning to do with her?", I asked.
"That's for me to know, and you to find out", he said.

"Well. Unfortunately... the mother of my child isn't getting married. Not to you. Not to my brother or me", I said.

"Well then. You have caused me to do this", he said about to kill me, when hayley sped into the room.

"Hey!", she shouts getting his attention.
"Hold on. I'll be with you in a moment", he said as I kicked him as Hayley hit him with a shovel.

He instantly didn't feel anything, as he fought back.
As she slammed Hayley's head against the counter top, I approached him trying to make him stop, when he ended up throwing me out the house as I landed on the ground.

Hayley's POV

"Come on!", Tristan said grabbing me, as he held my neck, and my hair walking me out the house towards the empty field with klaus.

"If you thing this is because I love you, you're wrong. I could careless about love, love is gonna get you killed. I just wanted you're power, and thanks to that witch in New Orleans. I know exactly how to get it", he said.

"Why punish her? It's me that you hate. Kill me", Klaus said offering to give up his life for mine.

"No.", I shout.
"Look at that. King willing to risk his own life for his queen. If i kill you before I kill her then you wouldn't be able to watch me take away everything you care about", he said.

"So I'm gonna say it again", he continued.
"Hayley is going to marry me & you will get your city back, if not I will kill her", he threatened.

"You don't believe me do you?", he asked.
As he then stuck his hand in my chest holding on to my heart, it felt like sandpaper on my heart , squeezing, squeezing until I bust.

"How many people do I have to kill to let you realize I don't care about anyone. So either you take my offer I'll just simply end the mother your child. Matter of fact. Bow down to me", he said.

"Do you really want to test me?", he continued squeezing harder as I screamed in pain.

As Klaus slowly kneeled to him.
"Do we have a deal?", he asked Klaus.
"N- I cut him off, "yes. But you to promise no harm will be done to my child, and after the marriage, you & your people leave New Orleans and don't come back", I said.

"Hayley no!", klaus said.
"But if I leave... you have to come with me", Tristan said.
"Deal", I said.

As suddenly I could breathe again. As then Tristan shot Klaus to the ground as he laid there unconscious.

"You should've stayed in that cell if you knew what best for you", he said.
"I wasn't trying to kill you. I was trying to protect you", I said.

"Protect me from what?", I asked.
"Dahlia. Klaus's Mothers Sister.", he said.
"What does she have to do with me?", I asked.
"You miss Hayley, are important piece to this puzzle in fact, you're the board, and everyone else are the pieces, and there waiting you for you to move them. You just don't know how", he said.

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