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Aurora's POV

"I tried to play nice but you just used me, and used me. So now it's time for you to feel how I felt for centuries", I shout at klaus as I held him against his well.

"You didn't exactly think I slept with you because I was still in love with you? You idiot. Do you not know the meaning of a conniving bitch? That's exactly what I am. Oh and to think the mother of that demon child was going to be my friend. She killed my brother, and thinks she's gotta away with it. She's got other thing coming", I said.

"Leave Hayley alone. She's has nothing to do with us", klaus shouts back.

"She has everything to do with this. Why do you think I came to New Orleans in the first place, I want to strip her powers, and kill her", I said.

"Aurora. Please don't kill her. Just leave her & my child out of this.", he beg of me.

"I won't hurt her. I need her. And just to make sure you don't do anything stupid", I said pointing a gun at Hope as she slept peacefully.

"Why does this bitch get everything I have ever wanted? A family. With my man. She's a hybrid of 3, she has a perfect family, and she rather throw that away for some dog", I said trying to place the clues together.

"Tell me exactly do you love her? What does she have that I don't?", I asked.

"Answer me!", I shout at klaus.
"She's innocent", Klaus said.
"Innocent? Killing people for pleasure is innocent? She's a whore. That's innocent", I asked.

"Did you ever love her the way you loved me?", I asked.
"No.", he said making me smile.

"Because I never loved you.", he said as then I about to shoot up in the leg, when the elevator door ding.

"We have unwanted company", I said as I turned around to see Rebekah.

"Aurora, what is this? Stop this right now. Give me back hope. What you have with my brother sort it out with him, and not hope", Rebekah said.

"Bekah, I think you wanna stay out of this one", klaus warned his sister. As she sat on the couch next to Hope, "what are you doing? You seriously what you want your brother die?", I asked.

"No. I came to watch the show", she said.
As then the elevator dinged again, freya walked out and twisted her hand for the gun to fall out my hand.

As she through the ground, as I crawled to the gun, there was foot of it. I looked up to see Hayley.

"Oh, no", I said.

Hayley's POV
"I'm going enjoy beating your ass", I said turning into my hybrid self.

"You take klaus that's one thing", I said basically throwing her across the room as she fell into the coffee table.

"But you take me daughter for bait", I said in anger as I grabbed her by her hair dragging her against the floor, as I kicked her multiple times.

"Is that all you got?", she asked as she bled threw the eyes & nose.

"Now actually", I said as I took of her sunlight ring.
As I raised my hand throwing into the circle Freya had made with powder so no one with supernatural powers can get out.

"Rebekah, Freya. Go", I told them as they took hope.

"You bitch", she said banging on the invisible shield.
"Let me out!", she screamed.

"Do me a favor. Tell your brother I said hi", I said before snapping her neck with my hands.

As I rushed to Klaus it looked like he was beat up, and tortured. As his head leaned down, "Klaus? Can you here me? Look at me? Are you okay?", I asked him.

As I then bit myself for him to feed off of me, as he placed his lips to my wrist, and sucked my blood. As I held on to him, as he let me go. I broke the locks to the chains he was held in.

As he stood up, I was no longer able too. I felt weak to my knees, I was about collapse when Klaus caught me, he lifted me up bridal style.

"I was supposed to be saving you", I said.
"You did. Now let me save you", he said.
As I laid my head on his chest, and shut my eyes.

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