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Hayley's POV

I woke up gasping for air; as I looked to see broken glass around me; blood everywhere; even I was bleeding & bruised, but the worst thing was that my shoulder was killing me.
What the hell happened?
Where the hell was I?

As I looked around the sky was dark; and it was cold outside; as I heard someone coughing as if they were in pain. I walked towards the direction to see a girl around my age; laying down with a piece of metal half way in her chest.

"What the hell happened?", I asked her.
"Some man... he- he killed Sabine. Everyone", she managed.

"D-did Sabine take me child?", I asked with a clump of fear almost stuck in my voice.
"No. It-- it wasn't her fault; the witches forced her.... the witches want your -- ba-by.. d-don't let them have it", she said.
As I was about to ask another question; as she slowly looked away & took her last breath.

As I quickly walked out of the building; looking around my surroundings; as I wasn't too far from town. As I ran away from the large destroyed wear-house; going into town.

Eventually; after a far walk I made it home; I walked up the porch stairs; as I opened the door walking inside to hear talking.

"Klaus & I will take the west of the corner to look for Hayley", the voice of Elijah said.

"Rebekah; you & everyone take the east. Kill as many people it takes to find her", the voice of klaus said as I walked into the family from to see a large crowd of people half-circled around Rebekah; Klaus; and Elijah .

"Don't worry about that search party", I said walking into the room as everyone turned to me.
"Hayley?", Klaus asked walked past everyone going towards me.

As I sighed in relief; as he wrapped his arms around me; I wrapped my arms around him.

"What happen? Did they touch you? Sabine? Where the hell is she? Is the baby--- I quickly cut him off-- "the baby's fine", I said.

As his expression changed to a worried to a relief.
"I woke up & everyone around me was dead. Before I left; this witch... she said some man killed everyone; killed Sabine; and that he protected me from letting them take the child", I explained to him; including everyone else standing in the room.

"I thought it was you; but it wasn't... was it?", I asked.
"No", he said.
"Then if it wasn't you; then who the hell was it?", I asked him.

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