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"Absolutely, not", I said after slamming the door shut.
"Why not?", Klaus asked.

"I will not have that-- that she devil in here, while hope is in here", I said.
"She won't hurt you", he said.

"Is that what you think I'm afraid of, getting hurt?", I asked.
He didn't answer.
"I now have a target on my back. The sister of Tristan is going to kill me", I said.

"She has a name", Klaus said getting protective over her. He was never protective over me like that.

Jealously was calling my name.
"Fine. Invite the bitch, but I won't be here to watch you drool over her", I said.

As klaus opened the door inviting her in, "freya!", I shout.

As seconds later freya came out the room holding hope, as I sped towards her grabbing hope, and the baby bag.

I sped back down the stairs to see Klaus & Aurora talking.
"Where are you going?", he asked me.
"Out", I said walking out the door holding hope.

- 10 Hours Later

"Jackson! Open up!", I said banging on the door, not trying to wake Hope. As suddenly Jackson who was shirtless opened the door.

"-Hayley? W-what are you doing here? It's 3am. Are you okay?", he asked me.

"I-i need to talk to you", I said.
As he invited me inside. "W-what's up? Is everything okay?", he asked me after I placed hope in his bed, and closed the door.

"I'm sorry", I said.
"Sorry?", he asked.

"I'm sorry for everything", I said.
"What do you mean?", he asked.
"It's always been you. You've always been there for me, protecting me, caring about me, just being there. I've never realized it till now but I'm sorry. I'm sorry I've been so caught up family in the mikealsons drama", I said.

"It's okay", he asked.
"No. It isn't. Because I've been pushing you away, and making you look like an idiot for still sticking around. And I- he cut me off, smashing his lips into mine.

And I didn't stop him, if anything I let him, mainly because I wanted him too. As he lifted up placing me in the counter, as he knocked everything off of it.

"Shh", I smiled covering my lips. As I had to remind him hope was in his room sleeping.

As helped me take off my shirt, revealing my bra was he began kissing on my neck. I bit my lips trying to not moan.

You know exactly what happened, or what was going to happen when I walked into his house. I was tired of waiting Klaus to love me, they way I needed someone too. I finally felt something I haven't felt in a long time.

I felt loved.

Klaus's POV

"Have any of you seen Hayley or Hope?", freya asked.
"She left yesterday evening", Elijah said.

"Good Morning, everyone", Aurora smiled walking into the kitchen as she yawned. I can't believe I slept with her, I promised myself I'd never fall for her again. I didn't. I just needed closure.

"don't worry, she's probably fine", Aurora said.
"And exactly would you know this?", Elijah asked.

"I didn't trust her. Just to make sure she wasn't trying to kill me, I had my brothers people watch her", she said.
"And?" Rebekah asked.

"And she went over to some wolfs apartment. By the name of Jackson. She stayed the night, I'm guessing", she said.

"Why would she be Jacksons?", I asked.
"Why wouldn't she?", Rebekah said.

"What?", I asked her.

"I'm just going state the obvious. Hayley's tired of being your second choice. Hayley has been on our side even when she had a choice. She threw away her pack, everyone she knew, and moved in with us. She helped save Elijah, she gives, gives, and gives. And all you guys do it get, you don't even understand what the girl has been threw to get into this family", Rebekah said.

"Both you & Elijah. You guys have been doing the same thing for centuries. Fighting over the same girl, and eventually she'd choose one of you guys, and the other one would get over it. Hayley is different. Because in this case neither of you get her. Both of you lose", Rebekah added.

"So that's what's different about this girl. She's Klaus's baby mother, also in love with him, but also in love with his brother", Aurora said.

As Elijah & I looked at each other, "how could this teenage girl have so much power over both of the original vampires. I want to now her secret", Aurora smiled.

As then the bell rang, "look whose home", Aurora said with excitement, as we all walked over to the door.

I opened the door to see a box.
As there was a card. Aurora picked up the note.

"Parting Gift".
"Are you living or are you existing?", she read as it was so familiar to me. Hearing that phrase.

"Lucifer", the words escaped from Elijah's mouth.
As she opened the box, as there was a little heart, and a big heart, the first thing that came to my mind was Hayley & Hope.

"Freya!", I shout grabbing the box.
"Make sure this ain't real. Use your witch powers or something and make sure that she is still alive", I said handing freya the box.

"Oh. Sure like that will be easy.", freya said.
"Just do it", I said as I grabbed my jacket, placing it on.

"Where are you going? If Lucifer is out there you have a target on your back", Rebekah said.
"He isn't stupid enough to kill me, but Hayley & hope, he don't care", I said as I walked out the door.

"I'm coming with you", the voice of Elijah said.
"No. Stay here", I told him.
"Niklaus. If this is about Hayley or hope, no matter what the circumstances are, I will always be involved",  he said getting into the car.

That's the truth. We did not hesitate to worry about her. Because deep down inside if we came to our senses we know we loved her.

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