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Trigger Warning In This Chapter

Hayley's POV

"You won't get away with this. Klaus will kill you once he find out you did this", I yelled as I yanked on the chains that restrained me.

"Klaus was the one who lead me here", Lucifer grinned. I breathed heavily, "I don't believe you. Klaus who nev- he cut me off, "your putting a lot of faith in a man who only loves himself", he said.

"You know what go to hell", I said.
"In time, I will. But your gonna go first", he said approaching me.

12 Hours Earlier

"You can't be serious right?", I asked following Elijah into the kitchen.
"What other choice do I have, Hayley?", he asked fixed his collar on his shirt walking into the family room where Klaus read his book.

"Klaus, please tell your brother that this is a bad idea. He's going to get himself killed", I said.

"Must you disturb me?", he asked placing down his book.
"Marcel's people are trying to work with Lucifer. I'm going to make them change their mind", Elijah explained.

"Sounds fun. Enjoy killing people", Klaus said going back to his book.
"Klaus.", I said crossing my arms.

"Fine. I'll go.", he said getting up.
"No. Stop it. tell him it's a bad idea. Specially with Lucifer out there.", I said.

"Is that what your worried about? Lucifer can't get to you in here. He's not going to kill us", Elijah said.

"Just... just be safe, and don't do anything stupid", I said.
As the walked to the front door, "wait... klaus just remember you have a daughter you need to come home to", I told him as they walked out the door.

- time skips -

I finally had time to relax with Jackson, as Freya stayed home and watched Hope, and Rebekah helped her.

I pulled into the bayou. I noticed the place with a wreck, fire everywhere, blood, dead bodies. My people. Jackson's people where dead.

"Jack?", I asked getting out the car.
"Jackson?", I asked turning around.

As I walked towards Mama's house, "mama?", I asked walking inside to see blood on the walls, as I walked out, not a single sight of person was in there.

As I then walked into the woods. "Jackson?", I asked.
As I heard something coming behind me, I turned to catch an arrow that was about to stab me in my heart.

I then snapped it into two by breaking it with my knee

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I then snapped it into two by breaking it with my knee. As I began to realize I was surrounded, they had guns, bow & arrows, electric rope.

There was to many of them.
I thought this through throughly, it was only way for me to get out of this, and I couldn't use my magic, because it kills me, it makes me weak everytime I use it.

I raised my hands, as someone walked through the crowd of people.
"Who the hell are you?", I asked.
"The names Lucifer. I'm a dear friend of the deceased Aurora & Tristian, I do wonder what a small teenage girl like you is doing in the mikealsons family business and how exactly did manage to kill two of the most powerful siblings in centuries", he said.

"Sir, she's a hybrid of 3. Which makes her a very powerful hybrid", a voice in the back said.

"Hybrid of 3", Lucifer said approaching me.
"She's also the girl who got knocked up by Klaus Mikealson", another voice added.

As Lucifer smiled, "so that's what makes you different from the others. Take her in with rest of her people. Klaus & I have some unfinished business", Lucifer said walking away.

As they shot me with a needle, I immediately felt weak, I collapsed to the ground.

Klaus's POV

"What if Hayley is at the bayou?", Elijah asked.
"I'm sure the mother of my child can handle herself quite fine", I argued.

"Not against Lucifer. I mean you partially lead him there to kill her people", Elijah said.
"Her people?", I asked stopping in my footsteps.

"Those people aren't Hayley's people, they aren't her family, we are. Where were they when she was pregnant? Where were her people when she died? Exactly. No where.", I said.

"You have to stop doing this? Letting your feelings get in the way of what's really happening right now", he told me.

"And what might that be?", I asked.
"Hayley is leaving us not because she wants to, but because where making her. This family may have lived for centuries but along with that has came many years of people trying to kill us. Hayley just wants what is best for her daughter", he said.

"She told you she was leaving?", I asked.
"I heard her talking to her Rebekah last night, how her & Jackson where already looking for apartments to live in. That she was going to grab her things & leave New Orleans for good", he said.

"She was planning to take my daughter away from me?", I asked him.
"You have to remember she only wants to protect Hope", he said.

"I have been protecting her. While, she goes lay in bed with that dog, I've been keeping her safe in my arms", I shout at him.

"Hope is never going to be safe, Niklaus. Not with you, not with me. Not anywhere near the our family. If you know what's best for your daughter you'd let Hayley take her", He said.

"No. In fact I'm glad, I hope Lucifer kill every single person in that damn bayou.", I said walking towards the house.

As we entered the house, "Niklaus!", a voice yelled from upstairs, I sped up stairs into Hopes room with Elijah.

As we saw Freya on her knees holding her head, "what happened?", I asked.

"It's hayley.... something wrong", Freya managed. As Elijah approached her, he helped her off the ground, as she began coughing up blood.

"What do you mean it's Hayley?", I asked nervously.
She breathed heavily. "She linked herself to Hayley; so whatever she's going threw Hayley must be too", Rebekah said holding hope.

As Elijah took Freya out the room into the guest room, "stay here, and keep her safe", I told Rebekah.
As I walked into the guest room, as Elijah took off his jacket, to tend to Freya.

As suddenly she screamed from being snapped in the leg, she was crying in pain.

"Make it stop! Please!", she cried for Elijah's help.
As I angrily walked out the room, as Elijah followed behind me, "where are you going?", he asked me.

"I'm going to find the mother of child, and if I have kill thousands of people to get to her I will", I said.

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